Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Since everyone's identity in modern-day America is politicized more than it has ever been - in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, and language - the most profound fight, the one tapping deepest into the emotions of everyday American life, is over political correctness. In the high school textbooks slaves are referred to as 'enslaved people', minorities are referred to as 'part of the world's majorities', poor people are referred to as 'culturally disadvantaged'. The promoting a history told from the point of view of the groups so far underrepresented like African-American, Hispanics, women and ordinary folk, gives the students an ability to apply their history to novel problems. The main goal of multicultural approach in high-school education is to incorporate the perspectives of all cultures in all subjects and to reject the American old-time ideas on cultural diversity, throwing a new light on the official U.S. motto: 'E pluribus unum' ('from many, one'). However, the upward tendency of covering controversial issues and portraying the roles of all racial and ethnic groups, which seems to omen well for American integrity, raises a lot of questions.