Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/First of all, the adverts strengthen the stereotypes in the society. It is enough to take a look at a couple of TV commercials and one can easily notice that these are the beautiful women who advertise cosmetics, top models who recommend a washing powder or a ketchup (as if they have ever washed or cooked), and handsome men who drive fast cars and to whom no woman will resist. The life shown in adverts is the most ideal you could think of, however only because of the products mentioned there; no matter whether it is a washing powder or a sports car. Moreover, surrounding world is always the most colorful and the most joyful so as to make one jealous of it. Suddenly you catch yourself that you think the way they (people responsible for advertising) would like you to do. You are likely to start cursing your life for its being so colorless, tasteless, adventureless and friendless according to what is being advertised at the particular moment. Even your job appears boring and your colleaques get on your nerves. Then, you come up with an idea. At first very shyly but then the thought of buying a new product strikes you. Now you know. You will never be happy without this car! And you are lost. The moment you start buying the advertised items you want be able to stop. This is a vicious circle and there is no way out without the help of a psychoanalyst.