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/^t/As it has already been said problems of this type originate from the existence of a huge gap between the immaculate and perfect world presented in adverts ( just to remind the reader the image of a loving family gathered around the table at Christmas dinner sipping Jacobs Kronung Kaffee) and the actual reality we all live in. Commercials are not mimetic of reality, they create their own sub-reality which fits perfectly into our dreams. The reality of commercials is distorted by the absence of any unwanted, but real elements, which could spoil its apparent perfection. Commercials show society as it should be, and not as it actually is. In this way advertisements manipulate our lives to make us want what the global multi-million-dollar companies sell. They no longer advertise products but a certain life style. The ultimate goal of all the adverts seems to be to make the innocent viewers believe that if we buy into the ideal portrayed, we will gain the same life style and become as happy and beautiful as the models in the adverts. The basic principle is: BUY IT, YOU WILL BECOME IT. Thus modern advertising even affects adults, especially those who are not able to make the dictinction between the fiction of commercials and the reality of our lives. Adults therefore are also subjest to feeling of inadequacy and low self-esteem, and simple feeling of worthlessness bred by the unreachable perfection displayed in the media.