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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

What about an extremely well-to-do lady desperately planning to have a beautiful, blue-eyed, blond, gifted daughter who will master violin playing and exact sciences excellently? The proper sum of money, quick cloning and a dash of appropriate genes will settle the business. That seems to be nothing blameworthy, if you have enough money to plan your motherhood so carefully. Prospective parents will crowd to program their children's DNA code. What would it mean on a large scale? People will consider their children mere products, projections of their own dreams and unfulfilled ambitions. Little clones may be treated like objects filling with pride more self-centered parents. ("Look, he is my exact copy when I was his age...). Cloning would help to resuscitate another Einsteins, Mozarts, and Shakespeares. Why not clone them? The world will be full of supermen, but from that point on there is only one step to negative eugenics and discrimination. Besides, some crazy scientist may strike upon an idea of cloning little Hitlers, and what comes next...?