Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Polish people should have an opportunity to watch movies about issues concerning them. Unfortunately, what they can see does not resemble Polish reality at all. What they are constantly shown in movie theatres are fantastic visions of foreign directors whose ideas overgrow an average Polish audience. One can feel brainwashed leaving a movie theatre. Foreign films - American especially, present distorted images. Most Poles perceive America from only one angle - they can tell of the USA as of a rich country with no poor people, where everyone smiles lying on the California beach and drinking Coca Cola. Such cliches are common among people who are shown one picture of a country which is very distant culturally, geographically and economically. That cultural backlash causes great deal of frustration among Polish society. They undervalue their country, thinking of it as worse to live in.This leads to undervaluing Polish movies. Most people are not aware of the fact that Polish films are appreciated and praised on film festivals all over the world for their artistic content. Without the appreciation and strong backup from Poles, however, great Polish movies cannot be sent to most Film Festivals.