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/^t/Some people are even more visibly and intensly influenced by the moon. They are called somnambulists or sleep-walkers. During the full-moon sleep-walkers get up and walk. They have their eyes open and behave as if they were awaken. They perform various complicated actions: they may eat, dress, unlock the doors, refurnish rooms, or walk the mould. It usually lasts several minutes. In the morning they do not remember anything. Sometimes they wake during the walk and are surprised not to find themselves in their beds, but rather in the kitchen or out-doors. Scientists do not know much about somnambulism. The statistics suggest that sleepwalking happens to children and young people and declines with age. There is also some evidence for genetic origin of it. It is more probable to walk in one's sleep if somebody in the family had done it before. Scientists seek the cause of sleepwalking rather in the delayed development of brain or in stress and oversensitivity. Yet, the connection between it and the influence of the moon can not be denied.