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/^t/After many years of playing the role of villain and almost vanishing from the media drugs have again made an ominous comeback. There has recently been a sharp rise in drug use among teenagers but what's even more alarming is the rise of popular culture the glorifies drug use. Drugs are no longer taboo. They are discussed freely in media that do not spread anti-drug propaganda but rather than this they promote drugs and consider them as non-addictive and "not a big deal". After such encouragement young users do not hesitate to try the "stuff" and what confirms them in the conviction that there is nothing wrong in using it is the fact that they are too young to remember the drug users of 70's and their ugly, moral and physical downfall. The problem of drug using is more discernible today than it was 10 years ago. What's worse, drugs such as heroin are more potent these days because their purity has increased which makes them deadly, to say nothing of side-effects and other fatal diseases that drug use entails. The phenomena of drug use and drug pushing have already gone too far to be ignored. Nevertheless restrictions and regulations are helpless in its solitary fight with drugs. Through the law governments can to a certain extent control the supply of drugs but they cannot change the minds of young people which is the main task for youth idols, parents and teachers.