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/^t/Drugs should be prohibited for practical but chiefly ethical reasons. It would be highly immoral to let the experiment like drug use or drug running go on without any constraints or control and consequently to allow millions of deaths. It is the law that should fight with drugs in the first place however it is not always successful in doing so and does not always suffice to fight back at the phenomenon. It would be rather naive to believe that regulations can put an end to drug use and drug trafficking. Jail rarely deters drug pushers from coming back to the "job". Furthermore, prohibition of drugs will not prevent drug growers from cultivating marijuana which seems to be the only source of income. No matter how strict the law can be it cannot itself tackle the problem. A lot is to be done by other institutions and people who might find the task easier to solve with help of regulations. Whereas the primary aim of the law should be to at least hinder an access to drugs, tighten patrol on the borders where trafficking in drugs goes on, control their cultivation by looking for illicit plantations and impose severe penalties in case of spotting one, compensate drug growers with cash for not planting drugs. Finally, as long as drugs are illegal, the belief prevails that they are not safe and unlike other medications they are deadly.