- Second Life links
- Virtual World Tour 2008 (on YouTube)
- Second Life home site
- Polish Second Life
- You only live twice (from Four Corners)
- Second Life Herald
- New World Notes
- Second Life blog list
- A bibliography of books about SL
- "Make love, not Warcraft" South Park episode :-)
- Second Life: should it be your first choice? (on YouTube, 1st of 8 parts)
- SL on SlideShare
- Second Life home site
- Polish Second Life
- Viewer 2 Quick Start Guide
- Second Life Quickstart (viewer 2.x)
- Second Life tutorials
- 30 (and more) things every newbie should know before starting Second Life
- Getting Started with Second Life (pedagogically)
- Using Second Life - a guide for learners
- Second Life Knowledge Base wiki
- 12 Ways To Make Second Life Run Faster On Your Low Performance Computer
- Metaverse U Conference, Stanford, February 2008 (lecture videos)
- SLED Picayune (news resource for educators, trainers, librarians working in Second Life
- New Media Consortium Campus Observer
- New Media Consortium Educators in Second Life Survey
- New Media Consortium virtual worlds
- Vance Stevens on Second Life
- Second Life Library 2.0
- University of Cincinnati resources for SL educators
- Who teaches what in SL?
- Ed Lamoureux (SL=Professor Beliveau) SL stuff
- SL EDucators (SLED) discussion list archive - since October 2005
- SLEDevents in SL (calendar of events for educators in SL)
- Educational Uses of Second Life - 1 (from YouTube)
- Educational Uses of Second Life - 2 (from YouTube)
- Second Life Grid Education
- Virtual reality and education bibliography
- Virtual reality and education: information sources; a bibliography
- Learning to Teach in Second Life, Diane Carr, April 2008
- 7 things you should know about...Second Life (from EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative; ELI)
- RezEd, The Hub for Learning and Virtual Worlds
- Eloise Pasteur's list of places to visit in Second Life
- Second Life Education New Zealand
- (Educational) Radio LARA in Second Life
- Virtual worlds research discussion group wiki
- John K. Waters: "A 'Second Life' For Educators," T.H.E. Journal, 1/1/2009
- Intro to SL for language educators, from The ICT4LT website
- Engaging with Second Life: Real Education in a Virtual World. Literature Review
- Sarah Robbins's presentation on education in SL (1:20 h video on YouTube)
- Third Eduverse symposium (Sep 23, 2008, Amsterdam, videos of presentations)
- Big Avatar on (SJSU) Campus on KQED QUEST - video
- Brief introduction to SL (especially Texas State U; from YouTube)
- Project Habitat (blip.tv videoclip)
- Etopia Island (from YouTube)
- Science Learning Opportunities in Second Life (from YouTube)
- Virtual Macbeth, fly-through (from YouTube)
- Best Practices in Virtual Worlds Teaching. A guide to using problem-based learning in Second Life.
- Academic Organizations in Second Life
- Second Life: Ready for Learning. Spotlight on Education
- Virtual worlds on teachers.tv
- Kulturoznawstwo 2.0, czyli projekt Jarocin ’85 w Second Life
- Second Life Uniwersytetu, by Andrzej Wodecki, UMCS, Lublin
- Projekty dydaktyczne w środowisku Second Life – relacja z eksperymentu, by Andrzej Wodecki & Rafał Moczadło, UMCS, Lublin
- Texas State University SL campus
- San José State University SL campus
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University SL campus
- University of Cincinnati SL campus
- Boise State University SL campus
- Jacksonville State University SL campus
- University of Kentucky SL campus
- University of the Pacific SL campus
- UMCS Lublin SL campus
- Murdoch University Library in SL
- Deakin University Arts Education Island
- Second Life Education New Zealand Project
- New Media Consortium Campus
- A virtual science lab, Ohio University
- International Society for Technology in Education
- Duke University School of Nursing
- Glasgow Caledonian University (with text-to-speech synthesis)
- Media Zoo, Beyond Distance Research Alliance, University of Leicester
- Virtual world language learning (Wikipedia)
- Teaching English in Second Life, by Nik Peachey
- Review of SL as a EFL resource in TESL-EJ by Karina Silva
- Learning English with Second Life (from BBC)
- English Village machinima video 1 (from YouTube)
- English Village machinima video 2 (from YouTube)
- Fire Centaur's YouTube channel with English Village featured
- LanguageLab 1 ad (from YouTube)
- LanguageLab 2 ad (from YouTube)
- LanguageLab 3 ad (from YouTube)
- Why learn a language in a virtual world? (by Shiv Rajendran)
- LanguageLab Polish website
- Avatar Languages (Polish site)
- SLExperiments wiki
- Language learning in virtual worlds wiki
- Virtual World Language Learning
- Karelia Kondor's intro to language learning in SL (from blip.tv)
- Funkcjonalność edukacyjna światów wirtualnych by Paweł Topol
- Virtlantis Website
- Kip Yellowjacket on Twitter
- Virtlantis on Facebook
- "How To Spark Remote Learning", a Forbes article on SLEnglish
- Interviews at Virtlantis by Lynne Hand
- Nauka języków obcych w Drugim Życiu - wykład inaugurujący rok akademicki 2007/2008 w WISZ w Gorzowie Wlkp.
- My first lesson in Second Life (with LanguageLab)
- SLEFL pronunciation, or: on teaching and learning EFL pronunciation in Second Life (presented at the 2008 2nd International Accents conference; published as: In: E.Waniek-Klimczak (ed). 2010. Issues in Accents of English 2: Variability and Norm. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 201-212.)
- "Happiness I hadn't felt before", czyli nauka języków obcych w Drugim Życiu (In Mirosław Pawlak & Bartosz Wolski (eds). 2011. Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii w dydaktyce języków obcych. Konin: Wydawnictwo PWSZ. 123-130. (abstract here).
- Concordancing Second Life discourse (Polish translation as 2010. "Konkordancje dyskursu w Second Life jako narzędzie w dydaktyce języka obcego". In: J.Fisiak (ed.). Studia językoznawcze: od językoznawstwa teoretycznego do stosowanego. Kraków: Tertium. 179-189.)
- Teaching and learning EFL in the virtual world of Second Life (IFA lecture on October 18th, 2008)
- E-text in Second Life: reification of text? (Wlodek Barbosa's part of the presentation of the (defunct) Department of Computer Assisted English Linguistics in the School of English of Adam Mickiewicz University, February 27th 2009)
- Phonetic affordances of Second Life, czyli: obiekty fonetyczne w Drugim Życiu; a plenary lecture at the Mówienie w języku obcym conference; Konin, 18-20 May 2009 (pps format)
- Second Life w dydaktyce języka obcego; workshop at the Mówienie w języku obcym conference; Konin, 18-20 May 2009
- Phonetic Affordances of Second Life for EFL, a PresTo presentation on YouTube and on blip.tv
- Wlodek Barbosa'a OsnaGroup presentation on Phonetically Augmented Virtuality (PAV), held July 9th 2009: (i) PAVed objects, (ii) PAV finder, (iii) phonetic dominoes, (iv) word stress blocks, (v) phonetic walk-through grid, (vi) phonetic dice, (vii) the idea of PAV, (viii) teaching in SL, (ix) silence in SL (mp3 files; the entire presentation on blip.tv here)
- Phonetically Augmented Virtuality in Second Life (plenary presentation at the 2009 3rd International Accents conference; PowerPoint intro here, handout here and full paper here)
- Second Life for EFL: workshop handout (presentation at the 3rd International Accents conference)
- Dictionaries in Second Life. Presentation at the School of English AMU, May 26th 2010.
- PDI in SLEFL pronunciation teaching and learning (presentation at the 2010 4th International Accents conference; abstract here, handout here)
- A short videoclip from my SL presentation to a RL conference at Tarnów on March 26th 2011. Full lecture (55 mins) in machinima here
- Teaching EFL in SL, a presentation at V-lang Conference, November 17th 2011
- Five years in Second Life, or: Phonetically Augmented Virtuality in Second Life English as a Foreign Language (abstract here;
Ten utwór jest dostępny na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska; also available from Scribd).
- Learn English with Wlodek, Lynne Hand's videoclip recorded at one of my meetings in Virtlantis
- Virtlantis, Facebook and Second Life: web2 scaffolding for virtual world language learning community of practice (PP version of my PL-CALL plenary presentation held on May 9th 2013; abstract here; presentation video recorded here)
- Blog Wlodka Barbosy poświęcony światom wirtualnym w portalu PL-CALL
- Wlodek Barbosa's profile in SL
- Wlodek Barbosa's phonetic transcription lookup table, for use in SL
- Wlodek Barbosa's adventures in SL (requires login to FaceBook)
- Wlodek Barbosa & Danka Aichi in SL - a photostream on Flickr
- Danka Aichi's profile in SL
- Wlodek Barbosa's videostream on YouTube (including Virtlantis and Second Poznan footage)
- "Being one in Second Life" - a SL 1st birthday poem by Wlodek Barbosa
- "Being two in Second Life" - a SL 2nd birthday poem by Wlodek Barbosa
- "Being three in Second Life" - a SL 3rd birthday poem by Wlodek Barbosa, audio version here
- "Being four in Second Life" - a SL 4th birthday poem by Wlodek Barbosa
- "Being five in Second Life" - a SL 5th birthday poem by Wlodek Barbosa
Last update: October 27th 2014