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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 499 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 151.21

No : Line : Concordance 1: 10: the culprit. Yes, that is true - coping with a shrewish wife or kind but a littl 2: 116: nance of systems of inequality - such as South African Apartheid. The whole of t 3: 218: e are out of reach of a screen - on the beach, on a plane, or as a help to prepa 4: 266: in front of a computer screen - probably the best invention of the 20th century 5: 278: 8 hours is not a problem today - supersonic aeroplanes make it possible for us. 6: 280: as, for example, the telephone - the device which makes it possible for people f 7: 280: great social contact any more - TV provides us with entertainment of any kind./ 8: 282: building-construction history - may serve as a good example here. Built of wrou 9: 284: child to find out his/her sex - ultrasonic examination allows them to know it d 10: 308: ir holidays, the young couples - their future homes, while the contents of menu 11: 350: ance gate to the Rialto cinema - one of bigger cinemas in Poznan - been so crowd 12: 510: ular book I have read recently - "Wicked Lady: Salvador Dali's Muse" by Tim McGi 13: 572: while amphetamine or morphine - drugs of similar effects, though much stronger 14: 596: ed by the sacred book of Islam - the Koran, which says that: "men are in charge 15: 638: se. So people have specialized - some produce food, some manufacture clothes and 16: 640: . A just solution can be found - maybe only individuals who contribute the most 17: 644: he truth is quite the contrary - people are neither equal in abilities and talen 18: 671: modern science and technology - we are victims of our own creation - but I woul 19: 743: prived of their teeth and eyes - such are results of boxing. It is however brain 20: 755: iously was an American scholar - prof. Keys. In the sixties he conducted an expe 21: 785: n is often that of sex-objects - to mention only such crudely sexist shows as Be 22: 807: proved to be savage terrorists - ten totally innocent men would all have been ha 23: 839: f living under social pressure - in "human zoo". They point to examples of paren 24: 875: ropeans travelling to the West - they think about their future in a very optimis 25: 1007: one can see beggars everywhere - in street corners, churches or a railway statio 26: 1228: y to have a sense of belonging - to a particular place or, more important, to a 27: 6653: d leads straight to bankruptcy - hopefully of a company only, not a state./^t/If 28: 6889: at you have. Therefore you buy - to keep up with the Joneses, to show off or for 29: 7031: all town has usually amenities - libraries, cinemas, theatres in the open air, s 30: 7183: reating monsters without heads - just to avoid calling them human beings - but w 31: 7185: o make improvements in oneself - to give us all an opportunity of becoming not o 32: 7209: g that could happen to a human - a complete antipathy and ill-disposition toward 33: 7215: fulfilling the American Dream - the dream of success - is concerned, the heroes 34: 7298: ets with the turned down cuffs - subjects of many jokes, there is still somethin 35: 7394: ng in sports and in particular - weight lifting. The debate revealed that the ma 36: 7484: o live in a large modern city" - say those who advocate living in the country./^ 37: 7568: the next term. But believe me - what they are most interested in is how to draw 38: 7618: n theatres, philharmonics etc. - culture are also schools, libraries, especially 39: 7682: they have reasons to be happy - they have money, power and very often they are 40: 7914: reater than the disadventages? - the answer will depend where the asked person l 41: 7985: tween culture, gender and race - may be criticized for causing, rather than reso 42: 7997: here you can meet your friends - the nearest bar (there are several of them in a 43: 7997: veral of them in a small town) - a sordid, dirty shack with drunkards staggering 44: 8272: with the birth of little sheep - Dolly. There would be nothing peculiar in it if 45: 8276: The aim is noble but the means - low. The sibling clone serves only as a source 46: 8441: tion can be observed in Poland - a nice and easy film wins with the difficult ar 47: 8490: our hearts, one thing is sure - once we forgive we feel as if we gave up this b 48: 8526: n was important, at some other - an abstract idea underlying the image. Politica 49: 8526: ts, Indian ink, poster colours - were all used to paint, all with an unlimited r 50: 8580: ion recommends for adolescents - namely "Before You Choose" - doesn't seem to sa

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 499 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 151.21

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:38:00)