Search PICLE and comparable corpora

Word / phrase search (Examples) Regular expression search (Examples)

Case-sensitive search:

You will first see max. 50 lines randomly sampled for each corpus. This can be adjusted in the results window.





Choose corpora (one or more):



Co-text size (in characters):

PICLE corpus (Polish EFL students' essays; c. 330,000 words)
POS-tagged part of PICLE (c. 108,000 words; IFA essays only) [
Tagset info]
UK & US quality press editorials & popular science book excerpts (c. 94,000 words)
excerpts of UK academic textbooks & introductory books (c. 98,000 words)
Polish secondary school compositions (c. 103,000 words)
Polish professional writing (academic papers & quality press articles; c. 101,000 words)





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This concordancer was developed by Paweł Nowak from an original script supplied by Adam Przepiórkowski.
Send comments to Przemek Kaszubski.
Last modification: 2004-11-03.