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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 1340 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 406.06

No : Line : Concordance 1: 6: lity for our misdemeanors. And this in itself constitutes a miraculous mental ex 2: 8: edy that s/he does even notice this blatant inconsistency. It has to be remember 3: 20: l people are equal when we say this or do we add in an undertone, as if repeatin 4: 24: to verify the truthfulness of this statement. Let us look at the first part of 5: 36: Having read another report of this kind, one pities the victim but finds comfor 6: 38: he money will be squandered on this purposeless effort. It is doubtful that thes 7: 50: abilitate them. Unfortunately, this way of thinking, though attractive, is compl 8: 52: e. How dangerous can accepting this point of view be, may be illustrated by a po 9: 52: he judge in the case supported this point of view. He said to the accused that h 10: 56: pect for the law and morality. This fact is rarely mentioned, although it is qui 11: 68: efore taking his/her car back. This regulation was enacted to discourage people 12: 68: at has been introduced lately, this time all over Europe, requires every new car 13: 74: many people are indifferent to this matter and prefer to squander recyclable mat 14: 98: s worse, unable to equal them. This situation was reflected in the laws of many 15: 104: wealth and power. Probably in this case the Orwell's sentence that some people 16: 110: ity we deal with. Although, as this century closes and we enter the first comput 17: 126: ne, however, how much distress this programme brought to the relatives of Nilsen 18: 132: ilised society./^t/Bearing all this facts in mind, I think that the prison syste 19: 140: a general equivalent./^t/From this brief history of money and its invention, it 20: 146: y. There is nothing immoral in this tendency. Further, possession of money gives 21: 166: ys "more equal than others" in this relation. If only the eradication of the neg 22: 178: of the best film directors by this part of audience. By making films, he tells 23: 188: history, however, we know that this enlightened idea of equality remained but a 24: 194: st, but it has continued up to this day, although in the less explicit form. For 25: 196: w, however just and impartial. This is because, as a matter of fact, no law can 26: 6944: e darker side of the story. In this day and age people are living longer. Report 27: 7366: forget about problems and all this mundane life, and to find another world wher 28: 7624: take up their own investments. This is the typical example of the big fish eatin 29: 7659: ormer prevail over the latter. This is the question I intend to answer./^t/First 30: 7720: take drugs do not realise that this is the first step to a serious addiction. Ma 31: 7959: uch enormous expenses and that this money could be allocated for many other purp 32: 7987: chool reading should add up to this polarization, is still debated. But there is 33: 8132: uently propagate and hand down this ability to succeeding generation. To come fu 34: 8248: ut the low vitamins content of this high calorific product.On the whole, modern 35: 8280: comes next...?You may say that this is nonsense, fin de siecle rubbish, science- 36: 8308: weakness. The dire effects of this strategy are already visible./^t/Although we 37: 8340: ows or at least should realise this unique thrill of excitement when a small, in 38: 8365: we would probably get lost in this jungle: they serve as a guide in the mass ma 39: 8383: d be widely accessible to all. This kind of approach is supported by a Dutch pre 40: 8383: ay, it is dubious that putting this into life on Polish ground would result in t 41: 8406: e able to seek for it himself. This creates more space for individual activity a 42: 8456: erals' romantic vision. To me, this vision of a tough 'soaked' soldier is certai 43: 8486: y in the fact that we see only this person's vices. And it is simply impossible 44: 8488: o notice that. We need to make this person to be aware that we are likely to for 45: 8500: e that I mention the fact that this city is probably the only one in the world b 46: 8524: no place for painting and that this means of expression is dying out./^t/Firstly 47: 8532: itably die out in a few years. This fact is particularly regrettable for it remi 48: 8542: oduce a feeling of weel-being. This type of dependence varies widely with both t 49: 8550: e certain means of protection. This is why more and more poeple want to possess 50: 8554: r killing the person attacted. This is why a gun should be used only in a life-t

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 1340 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 406.06

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:37:27)