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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 7176 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2174.55

No : Line : Concordance 1: 6: And this in itself constitutes a miraculous mental exercise. Ages of formal inst 2: 8: er that the person involved is a childless bachelor - the boss is so struck by t 3: 10: morning, our boss (depicted as a ruthless despot) always plays the role of the c 4: 10: th a shrewish wife or kind but a little bit dull husband also requires constant 5: 12: en to us, we can always afford a little flight from the grim reality - we can dr 6: 20: ompletely honest? Is there not a little hypocrisy? Do we really mean that all pe 7: 28: ess equal" than the society as a whole. The criteria for such discrimination may 8: 28: rdly a minority. They all form a kind of underclass which is deprived of certain 9: 30: ll's ridicule. We have to make a choice. 10: 40: petrated./^t/Being confined to a leper asylum never cured anyone of the disease. 11: 44: societies recognized crime as a kind of disease and treated criminals according 12: 50: wrong. The biggest crime that a society could commit to itself would be to forg 13: 52: lustrated by a popular case of a murderer accused in nineteenth century Germany 14: 54: hat some people say, does have a significant purpose to serve. Criminal lawyers, 15: 54: general public sees how severe a punishment the convict has received for what he 16: 54: on the other hand, is based on a naive presumption that those who are already ba 17: 56: ns is by no means outdated. As a matter of fact, it has never been as lenient as 18: 56: families outside a prison for a few days. What more should they need? A swimmin 19: 56: hey need? A swimming pool with a swim-up bar and sunglasses? After all, the idea 20: 58: be simply wonderful to live in a society without prisons and without criminals, 21: 64: n of nature than people living a hundred years ago. Therefore the Victor Hugo's 22: 68: ithout such a ticket placed on a windshield is towed away or immobilized so that 23: 68: requires every new car to have a catalyzer installed. Such an equipped car uses 24: 68: he ultimate goal is to install a catalyzer to every car to reduce the emission o 25: 70: concerned, every big city has a purification plant clearing the contaminated wa 26: 8387: ple obey the law. If it is not a matter of age a new question arises - if not th 27: 8439: e can feel brainwashed leaving a movie theatre. Foreign films - American especia 28: 8474: he fact that the definition of a language perfectly applies to animals leaves no 29: 8502: sense. Imagine you are giving a toy to a child. After the child has had this to 30: 8510: es in mother's feeding breast. A mother believes that her child will grow up hap 31: 8516: uccess, or both. Whether it is a materialistic, tangible wealth, a growing caree 32: 8526: inted with natural dyes within a limited range of colours. Then, the palette bro 33: 8528: well-known and widely used as a means of expression./^t/The last, and perhaps t 34: 8530: an artist your works must have a massive appeal. Efficient and cheap for the buy 35: 8542: icated when the user relies on a drug to produce a feeling of weel-being. This t 36: 8544: rly prepared institutions with a highly experienced staff, the greater the chanc 37: 8550: which would provide them with a feeling of security while walking down the stre 38: 8552: st, the awareness of posessing a gun can bring on its owner a lot of danger. It 39: 8552: g a gun can bring on its owner a lot of danger. It comes from the fact that when 40: 8552: r psyche does not let them for a large outburst of agression required for firing 41: 8554: ithout hesitations; otherwise, a gun is not helpful at all but quite contrary./^ 42: 8556: can be put inside of it, etc. A real gun makes the game of war more realistic b 43: 8556: of war more realistic because a child can point at another and pull the trigger 44: 8556: oneself from such situations, a gun should be kept in a special casket built in 45: 8556: tions, a gun should be kept in a special casket built in a wall and locked. More 46: 8556: t in a special casket built in a wall and locked. Moreover, the gun and ammuniss 47: 8558: it is shown above, possessing a gun does not always act as a mean of protection 48: 8558: g a gun does not always act as a mean of protection for its owner; what is more, 49: 8558: ld act as carefully as without a gun. S/he should use it only when needed, that 50: 8582: rs. If they don't come up with a reasonable solution to the problem of sexual ed

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 7176 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2174.55

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:28:12)