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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 69 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 20.91

No : Line : Concordance 1: 144: ertain value expressed in some amount of money./^t/The natural and distinctive f 2: 374: ho thus maintain the necessary amount of common sense in viewing the question, t 3: 412: er the past decade or so, this amount of coverage of animal rights has resulted 4: 416: s by animal liberators a small amount of the general public have become more awa 5: 699: an civilization. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that the priests of t 6: 1248: lieve, is likely to reduce the amount of crime. The only answer their adversarie 7: 1324: s. These drastically limit the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere. Business ente 8: 1436: to increase the frequency and amount of candy being eaten./^t/A restricted cand 9: 1733: of all he can try to limit the amount of litters he produces himself buying usef 10: 1738: e air. Everyone can reduce the amount of fumes simply using a bicycle instead of 11: 1942: but not least argument is the amount of time spent by children in front of comp 12: 1942: es and it is sometimes a great amount of time. As a result, children neglect the 13: 2443: een the rate of crimes and the amount of expousure to violent films. However, it 14: 2447: should be taken. Limiting the amount of Eastern citizens arriving in our countr 15: 2907: ted on television show a great amount of violence. This, first of all, make peop 16: 2971: es and patterns, and excessive amount of freedom as compared to former years has 17: 2971: seems to be overwhelmed by the amount of liberty, after such a long period of ha 18: 2981: . As a matter of fact, a great amount of people convert or seek spiritualism aft 19: 3249: parents were fascinated by the amount of information he was familiar with but th 20: 3418: erences between the two, is an amount of people. A high number of inhabitants of 21: 3609: alcohol in blood, likewise the amount of money we lost for a few hours of celebr 22: 3761: ly for the effect, but for the amount of work spent on the project. Punishing th 23: 3963: blessing; it saves an enormous amount of distress that comes from expectation an 24: 4542: h mass media of the 90s is the amount of violence, sex and crime presented every 25: 4578: fe./^t/There is, however, some amount of evidence from psychologists and sociolo 26: 4620: time is limited, so that some amount of information must be neglected for the s 27: 4821: s of sight and hearing./^t/The amount of news a man's mind absorbs every day has 28: 4849: s inexhaustible subject is the amount of programmes which are addressed to an av 29: 4857: owever isn't it because of the amount of offensive material present on televisio 30: 4859: they begin to watch films. The amount of offensive material they are exposed to 31: 4994: e. The improportionately large amount of violence presented by mass media may re 32: 5183: or computer understood as the amount of time spent with them changes the way we 33: 5247: hings, manifests itself by the amount of money spent on modernizing them as well 34: 5275: lution would be to have enough amount of money which would enable us to educate 35: 5333: n less financial help than the amount each of latest EEC members has received wi 36: 5413: neglected, is the innumerable amount of advertisements. There has been a tenden 37: 5478: hnologies, resources in proper amount and quality, and also insufficient accumul 38: 5833: eople who are ready to pay any amount of money to enlarge their private library 39: 5969: turn.The next one is about the amount of commercial spots on television. There i 40: 6124: luted as a result of a smaller amount of factories, cars and less developed city 41: 6373: problems and therefore limited amount of harmful fumes, that are otherwise emitt 42: 6561: vision stations, gives a great amount of information about the language we are i 43: 7265: obody cares about unbelievable amount of rubbish caused by packaging. Must we wa 44: 7590: e better access to it, and the amount of selling hard drugs would be limited. Th 45: 7604: tisfied with the speed and the amount of the material to be covered during a cou 46: 7624: towns suffer from is the small amount of money given to towns from the central b 47: 7862: ijuana consists of much larger amount of dangerous substance than cigarettes. On 48: 8017: endow him or her with greater amount of self-confidence./^t/If one is enthusias 49: 8146: if the inflow of such a great amount of American movies continues, even those f 50: 8369: regarded as created with a big amount of good taste and ingenuity. Unfortunately

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 69 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 20.91

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:26:51)