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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 54 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 16.36

No : Line : Concordance 1: 112: s, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly ar 2: 238: heir children. Maybe this will appear advantageous for women. Who knows?... 3: 434: owever, such a cooperation may appear counterproductive. It is very likely that 4: 498: y and peace any longer. People appear to lose control over huge communities whic 5: 572: ffects, though much stronger - appear on the list of legal medicines. On the oth 6: 799: er, more peaceful era does not appear to be in sight, the average recipient of t 7: 905: f experimenting with genes may appear distructive for humanity and environment. 8: 975: roducts, especially cosmetics, appear almost daily on the market. Best scientist 9: 977: r side-effects before they can appear on the market. However, predicting what th 10: 1392: e utmost care not to make them appear attractive./^t/Contrary to cannabis, hard 11: 1450: Differences are inevitable and appear at the very beginning of the process of ma 12: 1524: e two facts in the history may appear sometimes tricky. However there is no doub 13: 1584: e enviromental problems should appear in the education, carried out through mass 14: 1956: e technical equipment may also appear fatal in results. The recent experiments o 15: 2083: ack./^t/If there unfortunately appear the symptoms of the bubonic plague or othe 16: 2085: re the epidemic is supposed to appear or where it was actually detected. In such 17: 2367: rebellion, and the effect will appear to be opposite to what we wanted to achiev 18: 2417: , either homo-or heterosexual, appear and develop independant of our will, or re 19: 2643: esting. But often the opinions appear that for particular reasons lying is immor 20: 2648: The fact that many politicians appear trustworthy does not mean that they will m 21: 2651: is the reason why they try to appear superior to others. The fact that some peo 22: 2953: in the urban areas. People who appear in such areas are in danger of being bitte 23: 3382: carrying out one's duties may appear and may destroy one mentally. But when exp 24: 3382: A negative influence can also appear in case when a spouse wants to dominate ov 25: 4069: ometimes however, we decide to appear in some expensive cafe either with a model 26: 4279: n problems./^t/A lot of doubts appear while considering the influential power of 27: 4976: and nationalistic groups will appear on the political arena./^t/Luckily, such a 28: 4988: newspaper and magazine titles appear constantly, new television channels try to 29: 5062: od, fightings, guns, massacres appear on the screen and teach our children how t 30: 5315: uch as murders, fights. rapes, appear on TV quite often. Children and teenagers 31: 5710: portant informative role. They appear almost everywhere: on television and radio 32: 5718: ragile blonde. Such characters appear in commercials and appeal to potential con 33: 5813: ment of their health. Patients appear to ignore the instructions of manufacturer 34: 5906: only such actors and actresses appear on the screen, even if they advertise ciga 35: 6013: ut advertisements is that they appear several times during an interesting film o 36: 6102: rtain products. Advertisements appear on television and radio where they are pre 37: 6106: at's more, some advertisements appear during TV programmes. This might be very u 38: 6255: some people this argument may appear to be funny. But we have to remember that 39: 6297: interesting, but the problems appear when the way of realisation is taken into 40: 6309: t brutal and aggressive scenes appear around 15 times per hour. Children spend a 41: 6415: eek hundreds of advertisements appear for the very first time. We are bombarded 42: 6887: er of various temptations that appear in advertisements may lead to a belief tha 43: 7103: Sometimes, some advertisements appear in a wrong place and in a wrong time. Last 44: 7179: r destruction, whether it will appear to be a blessing or a curse for the humani 45: 7193: could Hitler be cloned?/^t/It appear to be quite clear that cloning may influen 46: 7420: e about all the problems which appear after learning at a single-sex class. Fort 47: 7661: habitants in small communities appear more friendly, more concerned about their 48: 7684: reet them. Photographs of them appear regularly in the press and all their comin 49: 7862: r detergents, cosmetics, there appear new and more "efficient" drugs. Drug deale 50: 8427: ifferent theme. Galleries also appear to be visited by a fairly narrow group of

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 54 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 16.36

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:21:31)