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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 382 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 115.76

No : Line : Concordance 1: 40: t been made to educate them to become valuable citizens, they would reenter the 2: 90: Then a university degree will become the trump in one's hand and claiming that 3: 177: plays and films. A cinema has become one of the important elements of entertain 4: 218: ication development, as it has become so easy, there is less need to concentrate 5: 236: re lot of his wife who, having become independent and self-reliant, is able to e 6: 370: e respect deficient, will soon become obsessed with the idea of getting themselv 7: 388: eason why so many young people become parents is their sheer curiosity how it is 8: 416: unt of the general public have become more aware about the rights for living cre 9: 430: to the European market, would become possible, then. This step might turn to be 10: 484: ot react in time their kid can become an alcohol- or a drug-addict who additiona 11: 494: aceful development. As man has become more and more sophisticated, the structure 12: 500: and stressful humans, who have become more and more insecure, and less and less 13: 562: Polish Parliament has recently become interested in drugs. This is not because t 14: 586: s who were to die, survive and become healthy again. Some of them pray before an 15: 630: y are constantly too drowsy to become aware that they have deliberately become s 16: 701: but its application, that may become a menace./^t/The development of science ha 17: 879: hing worth seeing, their lives become as mundane and they used to be in their na 18: 903: s. In this light people should become more reluctant towards experimenting with 19: 917: uickly, divide rapidly and may become a kidney, a liver cell or anything else. T 20: 959: 'second Japan'. We will never become like Japan, though, unless we reform our e 21: 991: er form or means seems to have become a very lucrative business, there are more 22: 1011: ople in the Poznan region have become more indifferent towards each other since 23: 1105: psychology. Stewardesses soon become experts of human behaviors. Such an experi 24: 1149: ten cruel ideas. Violent films become training grounds for such people. Police r 25: 1220: . But, conversely, most people become more and more nationally conscious, aware 26: 4103: brains (or pull it out..?) and become credulous, passive, will-deprived objects 27: 4956: imally reduced. If Poland will become one of the E.C. members, our products will 28: 5329: isation (NATO) and has already become a member of the Organisation for Economic 29: 6124: cially nowadays, when life has become very nervous, noisy and dangerous many peo 30: 6179: rners choose English as it has become the international language of communicatio 31: 6555: communication among people has become a significant element of the present life 32: 7057: e of information has presently become an instrument to misguide and manipulate t 33: 7183: as e.g. 'Blood Runners' could become a part of our reality./^t/Cloning for rege 34: 7306: healthy lifestyle has not yet become popular. The Polish businessmen are usuall 35: 7470: n instructor are not enough to become a good driver and get used to driving./^t/ 36: 7553: be a day trip, such a trip may become one of the most interesting adventures of 37: 7574: hat embodies authority and may become an easy target for radical politicians. Th 38: 7673: only minority of city dwellers become involved in crime and violence./^t/Returni 39: 7676: ricts of the modern city, life become a curse. Therefore they will not benefit f 40: 7688: r identity and character. They become different people. They are accompanied by 41: 7720: st deceive themselves and they become lost in reality. They try to answer proble 42: 7772: in the theatre one can easily become someone else for a moment. If one would li 43: 8118: g, living in a modern city has become a matter of survival rather than of enjoym 44: 8144: ing aware of it. It has simply become habitual. Some expressions such as the inf 45: 8232: l gain the same life style and become as happy and beautiful as the models in th 46: 8232: principle is: BUY IT, YOU WILL BECOME IT. Thus modern advertising even affects a 47: 8306: re no really definable, people become consumers of the advertized goods. They ar 48: 8326: it to. No product will make us become a supermodel, a film star or a singer even 49: 8482: r and hate. All those feelings become a real poison, which, unfortunately, we de 50: 8544: ople stop to realise that they become someone different; they unconsciously lose

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 382 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 115.76

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:26:54)