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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 129 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 39.09

No : Line : Concordance 1: 172: in order to contribute to the development of art, culture or philosophy. Since 2: 218: s other factors that limit the development of our mind. First, the communication 3: 222: o way in which we can stop the development of science and industrialisation. The 4: 282: er, some do believe scientific development fosters human creativity. They say th 5: 282: hat, in fact, as technological development progressed the quality of architectur 6: 282: te nineteenth century when the development of building construction was still at 7: 322: nd improvement. We support its development in the hope it will make our lives ea 8: 324: here is no doubt then that the development of technology has serious ecological 9: 330: tages to be gained through the development of technology but many of them are on 10: 330: ould supervise and control the development and applications of new scientific di 11: 570: er demand and in consequence a development of illegal drug production and traffi 12: 703: at may become a menace./^t/The development of science has always been assisted b 13: 831: erably from other mammals, the development of their brain functions has put huma 14: 833: n plagues. Looking back at the development of civilisation during the last few d 15: 1041: sychological and physiological development of both sexes. This programmed instru 16: 1161: pain and inhibition of muscle development often caused by poorly designed furni 17: 1314: as to ensure an optimal mentel development of an individual. 18: 1408: laim that because of the rapid development of the cities, man's living space has 19: 1723: group is responsible for weak development of the Catholic Church as an institut 20: 1832: ildren and guarantees a proper development of future generations, the qualities 21: 1856: the optimal conditions for the development of a child. Parents should not be fea 22: 1858: timulation and as a result his development is even more inhibited. Besides, chil 23: 1886: child lets them appreciate the development of their offspring even the least out 24: 1896: an overall physical and mental development of those children and their skills in 25: 1908: at the very early stage of the development by false cell division when one addit 26: 1944: ese games is the result of the development of civilization but the important thi 27: 2105: contrary, they are a base for development of violence and cruelty growing in hu 28: 2499: optimum conditions for proper development of the child?/^t/One of important pro 29: 2505: the optimum conditions for the development of the child? There may not be proble 30: 2662: the whole truth. Their mental development should define the criteria for tellin 31: 2979: e. Moreover, the technological development allows for conquering and inhabiting 32: 4079: an being on his early stage of development was everything which surrounded him. 33: 4245: ss communication. The constant development of the various means of communicating 34: 5026: a beneficial influence on the development of today's younger generation. Childr 35: 5153: play the essential role in the development of attitude, emotion, and social beha 36: 5249: and in doing so stimulates the development of science. In this respect the role 37: 5412: ich inspire to such an immense development of newspaper, radio and television in 38: 5654: must be aware that despite the development of civilization a lot still remains u 39: 6571: possibilities of professional development and improving one's qualifications. A 40: 6792: ement of living conditions and development of science are also necessary. But st 41: 7089: n era of a huge and very rapid development of industry, agriculture, media, etc. 42: 7535: industrialized countries. The development of industry, and what follows the bir 43: 7969: upid as it may seem. Maybe the development of science will give opportunities to 44: 8015: a knowledge contributes to the development of one's general knowledge of the wor 45: 8035: ged in XVI century because the development of economy and culture demanded speed 46: 8055: ^t/Nowadays we observe a quick development of mass culture, hence the advertisin 47: 8101: rtunately, we can not stop the development of technology but at least we have th 48: 8379: nable as far as our biological development and maturation age are concerned. On 49: 8526: ecame less attractive with the development of cheap and efficient photography. W 50: 8568: pwalking rather in the delayed development of brain or in stress and oversensiti

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 129 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 39.09

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:35:12)