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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 32 matches (32 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.70

No : Line : Concordance 1: 114: y fear of other people who are e.g. visually different from them. The only way t 2: 474: predators. Nocturnal insects, e.g. moths, use odorous signals. Among grasshoper 3: 586: t delicate tissues. I'm on the edge when I realize that one mistake means my pat 4: 937: oduct. It would make drugs and e.g. food and medicines equal. Drugs would be per 5: 1600: reflect political preferences, e.g. the Skin-heads show strong jingoistic tenden 6: 1676: xtremely difficult situations, e.g. when one of the spouses is a drunkard and do 7: 1896: at home prevail other children e.g. in solving simple mathematic problems and in 8: 2921: hanges and is not unequivocal, e.g. the number of children in the family still v 9: 3119: person does not realise that, e.g. the incessant humming of the fridge is distr 10: 3679: up members. The sect can offer e.g. food, clothes, or a ticket to the cinema. Th 11: 3681: behaviors on their followers, e.g. group sex, or a sexual intercourse with juve 12: 3891: present century stands on the edge of a threating transformations in human envi 13: 4303: . Nowadays, modern inventions, e.g. Internet make it possible to get or pass cer 14: 4836: aspects of English difficult - E.G. the articles (abhorrent to majority of stude 15: 5108: Prepositions too are flexible, e.g. a sixty-yerar old man is nearing retirement; 16: 5638: g a film are sometimes useful, e.g. to make a cup of coffee or a short telephone 17: 6285: can be displayed by all means e.g. in magazines, on TV, by street posters or ma 18: 6287: ts can expose danger to people e.g. swallowing pills not proper for them or buyi 19: 6287: turns to be good for nothing, e.g. does not remove stains.The producers of adve 20: 6721: a tuition fee to attend them, e.g. all extramural studies are fee-paid. Neverth 21: 7183: such science fiction films as e.g. 'Blood Runners' could become a part of our r 22: 7193: nly some good aspects of it as e.g. regenerating damaged or missing organs but a 23: 7661: ants dwelling at same street ( e.g. in semi-detached houses) within short distan 24: 7830: he princess in a round plastic egg, with a few buttons to keep her alive and a R 25: 7830: ducating in a bleeping plastic egg, except for the fact that it helps to develop 26: 8025: some less attractive aspects ( e.g. courses in descriptive grammar ), which migh 27: 8097: re is the smallest opportunity e.g. in kindergarten or at school, pretending the 28: 8146: evailing. One might argue that e.g. Polish films are also of bad quality. But ev 29: 8148: ly supplied for a mass reader, e.g. low-brow romances or Dale Carnagie-psycholog 30: 8172: le to a human eye frames with, e.g. a name of a product, which influence subcons 31: 8248: ly avoiding its negative sides e.g. 'All children should have Nutella cream for 32: 8254: it does more harm than good by e.g. brainwashing consumers into purchasing needl

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 32 matches (32 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.70

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:33:24)