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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 19 matches (19 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 5.76

No : Line : Concordance 1: 2081: ses as bubonic plague or other epidemic cases, which in the past used to cause a 2: 2081: ply it in medical treatment of epidemic outbreaks, such cases should by no means 3: 2081: whenever there is a danger of epidemic outbreak the preventive procedures must 4: 2081: from other countries from the epidemic attack./^t/If there unfortunately appear 5: 2083: fore, as it usually happens in epidemic cases, it begins to spread very rapidly 6: 2085: ng from the country, where the epidemic is supposed to appear or where it was ac 7: 2089: he country where the danger of epidemic outbreak appeared and safely crosses the 8: 2091: tter if there is any danger of epidemic outbreak is the system of international 9: 2091: predicting the possibility of epidemic outbreak to appear. Such data may also b 10: 2091: op the potential danger of any epidemic disease. Here it is crucial to remember 11: 2746: he plague. The occurance of an epidemic makes people panic. So the first step is 12: 2750: ts of trade with Russia. As an epidemic makes people panic, probably many people 13: 2752: al issues and problems when an epidemic is spreading should be of no interest to 14: 2826: <ICLE-POL-POZ-0036.4>/^t/An epidemic is characterized by a large number of ca 15: 2828: Previously, the source of the epidemic has to be identified. Reliable scientist 16: 2834: r efforts of fighting with the epidemic effective. 17: 2951: o make sure that in case of an epidemic there would be no panic. It is hardly po 18: 2955: he danger was in, the possible epidemic centre hosts would have to be identified 19: 2955: hese arriving on ships from an epidemic centre. If the situation was very seriou

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 19 matches (19 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 5.76

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:31:23)