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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 85 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 25.76

No : Line : Concordance 1: 164: ightly' racial tendencies. Not everybody would, in fact, dare to commit a "petty 2: 190: pocrisy. How can we claim that everybody has equal chance in life when the poor 3: 206: should be legally sold but not everybody wants to be exposed to it on a daily ba 4: 510: . Isn't it amazing? Almost for everybody Dali has always been the embodiment of 5: 562: for his or her own use. Thus, everybody may feel free to bring legally for exam 6: 570: ug production and trafficking. Everybody knows that prohibition of an alcohol an 7: 640: the values of their work. Now everybody in our hypothetical society can calcula 8: 671: imple? Good wins over evil and everybody is happy?" But then I came to the concl 9: 1346: ters would vanish for good and everybody was going to watch films on their TV sc 10: 1644: u feel like a small animal and everybody is a hunter. Similarity to monkeys is o 11: 1844: child of a homosexual couple. Everybody knows that in an average family the mat 12: 1882: ager, where work is shared and everybody can find one's fulfilment./^t/However, 13: 2059: opped at the border as well as everybody crossing it should be examined and forc 14: 2155: elier. Their intention is that everybody has a good time. Even so sailors' stori 15: 2331: the shy, cowards, toadies, for everybody - the omnipresent lie. Lying is immoral 16: 2337: d itself in our consciousness. Everybody lies, including parents, friends, pries 17: 2459: , if one went to a party where everybody used drugs, he or she would not like to 18: 2664: rescue, for example, marriage. Everybody knows that a man has many weak points. 19: 2668: in good shape, however nearly everybody seems to pretend that he/she is fine. S 20: 2668: we all be condemned for this? Everybody has the right to keep some secrets insi 21: 2796: rd to cope with. The only wish everybody has in such a case is to forget about t 22: 2808: they could live. Besides, not everybody is capable of telling their mother or f 23: 2830: NHS would be able to check if everybody secured herself or himself from the dis 24: 2892: se cans and heads, that almost everybody thinks lack talent, skills and effort, 25: 3127: he song one can always leave". Everybody has a different taste and this is true 26: 3133: famous musicians join them and everybody must agree that such people know what t 27: 3283: heart, are fierce opponents of everybody who is different in political, social o 28: 3318: their bad habit it looks as if everybody started in the same way. He or she was 29: 3603: evening of the year is coming! Everybody must be happy and have a good time toni 30: 3853: ld true, either. Certainly not everybody rushes to eat American food or watch MT 31: 3857: is in mind, it is obvious that everybody profits from and nobody loses because o 32: 3921: ay free or they become slaves. Everybody has to decide for themselves, and it is 33: 4845: course, it does not mean that everybody must travel along the length and breadt 34: 4930: ld we take it for granted that everybody and everything tries to indoctrinate or 35: 5054: rable variety of programmes so everybody can choose whatever he wants. Enormous 36: 5237: plethora of surveys conducted. Everybody is having sex; there is a happy end to 37: 5303: extremely popular these days. Everybody wants to learn it and know it as it's t 38: 5500: and has always been a need for everybody to speak at least one foreign language. 39: 5522: g far away on the horizon? Not everybody is entitled to grow up to the upper rea 40: 5791: heir permanent warning against everybody and everything./^t/I have to admit that 41: 6071: ys remain incredible.Then, not everybody lives on an urban island. Most of us pr 42: 6146: with air of spreading rumours. Everybody knows almost everything about anyone el 43: 6598: t that advertising is harmful. Everybody knows how large is the power of languag 44: 6725: ere would be equal chances for everybody to learn, no matter how much money they 45: 7137: more enjoyable can watch them. Everybody can answer this question according to h 46: 7263: sun's heat./^t/Realising that everybody has heard about ozone layer (the layer 47: 7503: atres, youth clubs, disco etc. Everybody can find something for himself, and if 48: 7740: t/In a village everybody knows everybody and every piece of gossip spreads very 49: 7884: to form a large family, where everybody is ready to help, when another member o 50: 8075: ent programs on television and everybody can choose what he wishes. Despite the

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 85 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 25.76

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:29:05)