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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 23 matches (23 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.97

No : Line : Concordance 1: 30: highly hierarchical societies existing under the banner of democracy and equali 2: 146: y. Again, the impossibility of existing in a modern world without it is clear. T 3: 232: on with a master degree, there existing many inconveniences from the academic au 4: 236: hich were added to the already existing ones, the privileges of women have decre 5: 300: time, unaware of the problems existing outside. They proud themselves on gettin 6: 867: chools. This would satisfy the existing demand and take care of anxieties relate 7: 2230: t/Violence as an extreme force existing in human behaviour and deeds causes inse 8: 2706: onal suffering may enhance the existing doubts about faith which may result in a 9: 2967: corporations to the companies existing only a day or two. The coal disappeared, 10: 2983: e many unexplainable phenomena existing with which people are fascinated, such a 11: 2983: eal but just unsuitable to the existing laws of science. Further, the most intri 12: 3344: ^t/Thus, in connexion with the existing situation, great attention should be pai 13: 3390: chers' disappointment with the existing system of education, which they are crit 14: 4958: ean countries products will be existing in Polish market and there will be many 15: 5726: spell of the fake world of non existing perfections. One has to make wise choice 16: 6001: ducts or just remind us of the existing ones./^t/Another function of the adverti 17: 6251: ny people as possible aware of existing a new product on the market and to encou 18: 6325: ed. To positive aspects of our existing system good features of guided individua 19: 6465: he school institution has been existing for hundreds of years and that neither u 20: 7059: ll the problems connected with existing in this system. The media, with their bu 21: 7279: l drugs and add to the already existing problems. How can anybody refuse to send 22: 7957: deal with many problems never existing in advertisements. People see expensive 23: 8318: djust its price to the already existing ones or make it lower to attract the cus

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 23 matches (23 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.97

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:22:56)