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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 45 matches (45 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.64

No : Line : Concordance 1: 52: spect for the law, unavoidably follow the path of thinking established by some n 2: 100: life, and they do not have to follow the traditional pattern of being only wive 3: 126: ould have encouraged others to follow him. Such a warped man as Nilsen should ha 4: 370: l activities by the interested follow suit. Nowadays, for a person to be univers 5: 1615: ot of Europe". So let's try to follow Jan Kochanowski's motto "Moderation in Eve 6: 1680: hen some people understand and follow rules and principles imposed on by the Chu 7: 1723: it in silly way. Most of them follow blindly everything what is said in the Chu 8: 1804: members of Polish society will follow such a pattern and even if their parents' 9: 1830: the future a child is bound to follow the behaviour of its parents, it is for it 10: 2099: ubtful quality and that do not follow any creeds. Additionally parents devote le 11: 2268: se punishment must immediately follow the wrong deed. Besides, talking as a mean 12: 2349: search for a spiritual path to follow constitutes an important aim for most of t 13: 2383: olice and to avarage Poles who follow by the means of massmedia what is going on 14: 2609: teristics Poles do not seem to follow is constant improvement of their law-enfor 15: 2619: ndividual does not consciously follow the models set in violent films or magazin 16: 2722: en raised by gay couples might follow the same pattern and start similar familie 17: 2909: luent and they have started to follow the western lifestyle. Simultaneously, the 18: 2925: y life is concerned, they will follow the footsteps of their parents. I doubt wh 19: 3091: outing. Such a path is easy to follow for educated adults. Is it possible to pre 20: 3093: ituation. Those, who decide to follow "the path of tollerance" would have to act 21: 3615: ew year, and most certainly we follow it. For all those who may doubt it, I was 22: 4041: re and make such adverts often follow the line of least resistance, for example, 23: 4111: nquents, who - often unaware - follow ineptly in television heroes' footsteps, f 24: 4257: ters take a gun or a knife and follow him?/^t/The next slogan is that mass media 25: 4281: d.Not being aware of that they follow subconsciously the guidelines laid by medi 26: 4393: r situation so when youngsters follow the values of well-to-do young people from 27: 4658: lot of TV. Consequently, they follow blindly their idols and heroes. They talk 28: 4660: d by mass media and we have to follow them!/^t/Do we? Nobody imposes mass media 29: 4736: eir jobs properly. They do not follow the approach to English teaching which is 30: 4758: economic and cultural news. We follow gossips about famous people day by day. Re 31: 4845: for our planet. But we have to follow all the information with criticism and wit 32: 4861: ngs. Therefore teenagers could follow those examples. It is very likely that the 33: 5223: everywhere. They feel urged to follow them, because they also want to be rich, b 34: 5315: often. Children and teenagers follow the examples what often leads to dangerous 35: 5500: because it is human nature to follow trends. Therefore English usually is their 36: 5584: he sensitivity to animals will follow and useful teaching aids (instead of the d 37: 6027: countries, then Poland should follow the example of Western countries, where th 38: 6207: it can be harmful if we try to follow examples shown in them too much. Furthermo 39: 6533: children and young people who follow the latest fashion and they are open to an 40: 6590: hy, we are easily persuaded to follow the latest fashion. We get rid of good thi 41: 6887: course, erroneous. You cannot follow all your impulses - some have to be contro 42: 7308: ddle class" businessmen do not follow the western examples as far as charity or 43: 7324: y; the collected ivory did not follow any trade procedures so, in fact, it did n 44: 7342: f action that man continues to follow is nothing but further venture into self-d 45: 7792: ll its members and we ought to follow it. Law is surely to protect all citizens

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 45 matches (45 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.64

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:38:05)