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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 48 matches (48 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 14.55

No : Line : Concordance 1: 12: planations we have used we are forced to shoulder the grievous burden of too man 2: 28: cial disapproval and are often forced to live beyond the pale. Problems with buy 3: 100: rs, sometimes are paid less or forced to choose between having a successful care 4: 206: to be exposed, and in this way forced to see pornographic magazines and watch po 5: 298: s well as they would have been forced to in a real life situation. As a result o 6: 444: fficial meeting, first you are forced to stop breathing for a while, then you ar 7: 484: o sooner or later the kids are forced to lie or to steal to afford them. If the 8: 731: s shocked but at the same time forced to think about the existence and the human 9: 817: ly supressed. He has also been forced to participate in the 'ratrace', the strif 10: 1045: barrassed teacher who has been forced to do it by order of superior authority wo 11: 1228: al creatures and should not be forced to live in a net of interpersonal relation 12: 1375: ion. Nevertheless we are often forced to make a choice between the pleasure of w 13: 1762: years before its last king was forced to abdicate. In view of the fact that the 14: 2059: sing it should be examined and forced to undergo a period of quarantine. 15: 2379: o avoid a case in court one is forced to threaten others in order to keep them s 16: 2459: ced by their mates. Others are forced to start using drugs and after some time t 17: 2541: ve feelings too, and cannot be forced to accept something they do not want to. I 18: 2573: is is how children are somehow forced to lie to their parents. Obviously this ar 19: 2994: t an adopted child will not be forced to take part in sexual activities of its ' 20: 3065: ve from hand to mouth, and are forced to resort to social charity in order to su 21: 3425: students.First of all they are forced to move out of their family houses and sho 22: 3495: s" of the natives' culture and forced to adjust to it. As we do so, we undergo s 23: 3631: conflict are smokers. They are forced to smoke outdoors at the temperatures belo 24: 3679: e sect. Furthermore, he/she is forced to obey rigid rules of the sect and to acc 25: 3681: juveniles. Moreover, women are forced to prostitution in order to earn money for 26: 4135: tion as the future members are forced to make several structural changes to meet 27: 4620: g controlled, told and at last forced to accept only one unshakeable reality? Th 28: 4857: hey become adults they will be forced to live in such a world. However isn't it 29: 5787: and inexperienced children are forced to bring up their own baby and they have t 30: 5789: depend on themselves. They are forced to be careful of every penny they spend an 31: 6130: jobs, or education. Those are forced to move to larger towns./^t/To sum up, it 32: 6185: to emigrate and then they are forced to come back to the native country, becaus 33: 6613: il people clean it out. We are forced to live in the world as it is and not as w 34: 6615: not be talked about. Nobody is forced to read or watch these pieces of work. Peo 35: 7010: erests. Therefore, we are even forced to watch programs in which we are not inte 36: 7285: ical persecution. They are not forced to believe what they do not want to believ 37: 7360: e time in their life they were forced to read poems and interpret them, and they 38: 7416: there. In this way pupils are forced to spend much time on learning, they are b 39: 7470: etical classes, candidates are forced to take the wheel and drive. Instead of th 40: 7610: others can soon be muffled and forced to fall into oblivion. If one looks at all 41: 7620: towners" prefer walking or are forced to prefer walking because they have no oth 42: 7768: nd therefore city-dwellers are forced to adopt an unnatural way of urban life aw 43: 8118: t having no alternative we are forced to put up with these conditions. 44: 8344: ness. Maybe, a given woman was forced to bear a child although she did not want 45: 8349: l in our hard times. Women are forced to bear children no matter if they have mo 46: 8365: r intellect and spirit, we are forced to spend some time in stores. It is more d 47: 8443: olish actors and directors are forced to go abroad to work creatively and make t 48: 8578: equently, Polish teenagers are forced to act on their own and are very often in

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 48 matches (48 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 14.55

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:28:39)