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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 23 matches (23 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.97

No : Line : Concordance 1: 52: uldn't be punished, because he had been brought up by the people who regarded cr 2: 52: he was sorry, but he, in turn, had been brought up by the people who despised cr 3: 228: al work. If former suffragists had been able to see the future consequences of t 4: 807: rd - Irishmen whom it was felt had been proved to be savage terrorists - ten tot 5: 1007: ing after the communist regime had been abolished. In previous times the rich co 6: 1023: aurants, because earlier there had been no places to eat cheap food while doing 7: 1526: ting a proof stating that they had been politically discriminated. A significant 8: 2087: te, proving that such a person had been tested and inoculated against the diseas 9: 2393: e on their faces that the test had been very difficult - although it had not, ho 10: 2585: oked like a glass of water, it had been transformed into an oak tree. Such works 11: 2661: ows that all of his/her organs had been affected by the tumor, he/she may easily 12: 2949: t of the plage epidemic, which had been recorded, killed thousands of its victim 13: 2949: rs ago. Since that time, there had been many other epidemics, for example in the 14: 3049: lves to treat those as if they had been their own children./^t/Another aspect of 15: 3623: o the 16th century./^t/Tobacco had been smoked by the native Americans long befo 16: 3777: only women. She felt as if she had been bred by somebody. It is probable that sh 17: 3941: rous for the society than they had been before./^t/To present my point of view e 18: 5042: ing powder, the every of which had been claimed to be the best, the housewife wi 19: 5596: Edison. I dare say that if he had been born to a parents of some primitive trib 20: 5948: . It also struck her that much had been said, in the debate on equality, about t 21: 6461: hers? One of the students, who had been given individual lesson, compared such a 22: 7163: that their eleven-year-old son had been playing truant for three months. The tim 23: 7328: inally discovered what the man had been doing. The mysterious tales about an unc

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 23 matches (23 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.97

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:27:26)