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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 916 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 277.58

No : Line : Concordance 1: 8: this blatant inconsistency. It has to be remembered, however, the samples mentio 2: 30: is that probably every society has its elites and its underclass, that they are 3: 56: dated. As a matter of fact, it has never been as lenient as it is nowadays. Peop 4: 68: t the number of cars in Poznan has decreased. But in order to stop in the center 5: 68: educe the traffic. This system has undoubtedly has proved to be successful. Anot 6: 68: ssful. Another regulation that has been introduced lately, this time all over Eu 7: 70: age ditches. But so far nobody has created a better solution./^t/Every year a de 8: 88: ence". The number of years one has worked in a particular profession is in most 9: 90: s fields. So the fact that one has graduated from a university will remain only 10: 98: nd money./^t/The color of skin has always differentiate people. The strange thin 11: 112: l prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of 12: 114: as learnt from the white? What has he learnt about liberty, equality and fratern 13: 124: ong as human race exists there has always existed crime. People established cert 14: 140: f all human beings. While evil has existed as late as our first ancestors starte 15: 144: single item in our surrounding has its price. Even human body as a whole or just 16: 148: at money cannot give happiness has been functioning for ages. Is it really so? P 17: 160: gh the process of emancipation has been already completed there will always rema 18: 190: ow can we claim that everybody has equal chance in life when the poor are, in fa 19: 194: ommonplace in the past, but it has continued up to this day, although in the les 20: 216: hat influence is a threat that has the gradual effect on all of us, it diminishe 21: 218: obsolete in one generation. He has been proved wrong in that point, however, who 22: 228: l scene. The only result which has been achieved is the increased number of resp 23: 244: superhuman female' which still has a pernicious influence on the cause of women. 24: 252: little baby because the mother has to find a person she could trust to look afte 25: 252: nts to take a few days off and has not done her work on time. When a child is ol 26: 6403: ess./^t/Living in a small town has some advantages, too. For instance, pace of l 27: 6914: t the metropolis-dwellers, one has an impression of a lack of openness and vital 28: 7023: in a big city in stressful and has not got a very good impact on one's nervous s 29: 7287: ot every aspect of the problem has been sufficiently developed here, however thi 30: 7360: m, poets are not needed. There has been published enough books on poetry so far, 31: 7438: e first time and not everybody has understood the rules. To avoid this a given g 32: 7500: it./^t/Living in little towns has certainly more advantages than disadvantages 33: 7557: he fact that every human being has the right to choose for himself whether he wa 34: 7604: learly seen. A lot of research has already been carried out into the field of un 35: 7906: eems to be impossible since it has been a part of our everyday life, but at leas 36: 8095: owever, in the 20th century it has changed a bit and the preferable forms of the 37: 8150: e and more uniform. Why Europe has proved to be a sponge absorbing so much of wh 38: 8226: nsive perspective of the world has not yet been developed. They succumb easily t 39: 8240: h consumers, but, undoubtedly, has already done considerable harm.In terms of it 40: 8290: eted the course then he or she has to take an exam. The written part does not tr 41: 8296: exam, despite the fact that he has made the same mistakes as some woman.Another 42: 8423: n temples and galleries, so it has the right to introduce censorship of artistic 43: 8464: d of technology. Since then it has been possible to record even those sounds tha 44: 8496: es, its main felony is that it has always been a little cruel and deviant. First 45: 8504: sexist organisation the world has ever known. Finally the church operates on in 46: 8526: stly, it seems that everything has been already said in painting. In the course 47: 8554: o in a situation when a person has to face some danger, namely s/he pulls out he 48: 8566: facts may explain why the moon has been for centuries associated with both evil 49: 8578: Catholic Poland, sex education has become an ideological battle ground. Many tea 50: 8578: cs in sexual education classes has also proved to be extremely beneficial. As a

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 916 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 277.58

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:21:30)