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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 441 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 133.64

No : Line : Concordance 1: 26: ity is realized./^t/There are, however, people who have an advantage because of 2: 30: examples of inequality. It is, however, so widespread that very often it is not 3: 66: t that are still to be solved. However, in order to achieve global solutions, we 4: 74: epletion of natural resources. However, instead of dumping away waste products s 5: 98: people. The strange thing is, however, that the most obvious reason why people 6: 104: to take equality for granted. However, not only law, but also people living in 7: 142: unjustly blamed for./^t/It is, however, true that money rules the world. As far 8: 166: rhetorical question. It lies, however, beyond doubt that despite the written la 9: 172: it very seldom. No one doubts, however, that life without dreaming would be dull 10: 177: hemselves there. The audience, however, can be divided into two groups. There ar 11: 188: of Independence. From history, however, we know that this enlightened idea of eq 12: 194: it is not easy to be a woman. However, it seems to be even more difficult to be 13: 222: ate, love, dream, and imagine. However, one must ask him/herself the question wh 14: 230: quality between the two sexes. However, this full political equality hasn't been 15: 234: profession. At the same time, however, feminists haven't eased females of their 16: 282: st switch on a microwave oven. However, some do believe scientific development f 17: 314: themselves inferior to others. However, when they have to verify their abilities 18: 360: ed by expulsion. In the movie, however, the priest who broke the vow of chastity 19: 384: d such a discussion. They all, however, expect their children to behave as respo 20: 426: e unity is the key to success. However, Europeans have to realize that creating 21: 436: conference on Polish issues). However, Poland cannot reply with isolation as th 22: 498: f responsibility./^t/It seems, however, that today's immense social organisms ar 23: 532: /"All men were created equal." However, sexism exists and is clearly visible eve 24: 548: ct on the quality of training. However, it would cause the increase of spendings 25: 550: to be buying modern material. However, production of majority of armaments in P 26: 3237: your brain, is unquestionable. However, only if you are familiar with this mirac 27: 3809: professors are afraid of most. However, Polish students should fight for changes 28: 4630: s and 300.000 technical terms. However, a student of FC level needs 5.000 words 29: 5874: aurants. Little has been said, however, about the idea of total prohibition of t 30: 6169: re convincing others are less. However, I think that people should learn languag 31: 6959: t comsumer goods are so cheap. However, if we think that the only purpose of adv 32: 7223: lture within a larger culture. However, in most cases when we think of subcultur 33: 7239: rove the conditions of living. However, the punk - skinhead movement was divided 34: 7293: e and manners. In our country, however, people who aspire to the middle class ar 35: 7296: r bank accounts are concerned. However, the Polish "middle class" people seem to 36: 7330: ut the centuries. Very rarely, however, it has been presented as a virtue or, at 37: 7557: mall town. We have to realize, however, that there will be always two sides of t 38: 7646: it is in case of large cities. However, a great number of people, being a drawba 39: 7675: ite place or in a modern city. However, some people are free to move to choose t 40: 7788: ments. After thorough analysis however, only the arguments of the 'no' side are 41: 8001: of huge agglomerations suffer. However, the question arises, whether the fact th 42: 8107: d countries are city-dwellers. However, many of them find that the price for "pr 43: 8132: es). In the same circumstances however, race-mixing, in the clear majority of ca 44: 8196: lots of contoversial opinions. However, the fact that advertisers perform a usef 45: 8288: as possible to be carried out, however, this is not so simple nowadays in Poland 46: 8367: ike trainers. It is also true, however, that these names are associated with hig 47: 8443: very profitable. It does not, however, make profits in Poland. With such a smal 48: 8454: dry, and happy. Not so happy, however, as it may seem. The regulation proves to 49: 8530: of art in it. When reproduced, however, a painting loses its quality and uniquen 50: 8576: tes and in Poland. This issue, however, is differently broken into the American

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 441 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 133.64

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:29:14)