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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 29 matches (29 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 8.79

No : Line : Concordance 1: 342: forestation. It can be applied in the case of Central America rain forests. The 2: 967: ctures and reality, especially in the case of young children, for they seem to h 3: 1844: who often use shabby language. In the case of homosexual couples, this problem d 4: 2073: particular picture. Again, as in the case of adolescents, some adults use narco 5: 2720: athers teach them to be tough, in the case of gay families both parents go to gr 6: 2776: ts mother sad or angry. Unlike in the case of corporal punishment, parents evoke 7: 3079: e situation is quite different in the case of adults. Nervous breakdowns caused 8: 3735: uman motivation, which, unlike in the case of animals, are often feelings namely 9: 3767: ver before. Yet, it seems that in the case of hyperactive or just active childre 10: 4151: he Union budget as it happened in the case of countries mentioned earlier which 11: 4153: is not always "the case", just in the case of Poland it is especially notable. B 12: 4387: fferent ways of communicating. In the case of radio sound is what counts more an 13: 4630: l neither resemble [d] or [ t] in the case of the latter and [f] corresponding t 14: 5736: brings them a lot of problems. In the case of a regular heterosexual couple ther 15: 5736: credit cards or bank accounts. In the case of married heterosexual couples all t 16: 5736: ot easy. Another thing is that in the case of death of either partner of a heter 17: 5924: described above. First of all, in the case of very young women an abortion can c 18: 6114: very offensive. As it happened in the case of the poster produced by United Colo 19: 6183: y not be as important as it is in the case of making a career. Certainly, it ass 20: 6451: n only to one student, whereas in the case of school, the teacher devotes his ti 21: 6455: bedient, which does not happen in the case of individual study. Secondly, the te 22: 6459: ith others which is impossible in the case of individual study.It is tempting to 23: 6529: nnected with biblical myths as in the case of Reanult campaign - "Renault Clio s 24: 6904: t of our humble abode, which - in the case of the city-dwellers, is a futile hop 25: 7119: nses as strongly as it happens in the case of films. The films which we have acc 26: 7209: , it might be true, especially in the case of Martin Eden. When he finally reach 27: 7280: ise the person ill can die (as in the case of leukemia). Knowing this, how can a 28: 7728: you always have to pay for it. In the case of drugs you can lose your life and t 29: 7758: hether to take it or not, like in the case of alcohol./^t/The last of my argumen

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 29 matches (29 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 8.79

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:32:00)