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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 31 matches (31 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.39

No : Line : Concordance 1: 98: ile looking for a job), or not including people of different color into neighbor 2: 238: e daily activities of a woman, including professional work. The clash between tr 3: 801: combination of various factors including desperation, deprivation or genetic dis 4: 1610: l free to take what they want, including teenagers./^t/Ideally schools and paren 5: 1766: istence all around the world - including such well-developed countries as Japan, 6: 1794: ns about certain consequences, including legal ones, not mentioning moral ones. 7: 1798: initely imposes certain rules, including moral obligations. There is no such a t 8: 1858: passive learning environment, including a heavy emphasis on practice and partic 9: 2337: consciousness. Everybody lies, including parents, friends, priests, politicians, 10: 2407: same rights to all the people, including homosexuals./^t/It seems obvious that i 11: 2553: going through many sufferings, including the humiliation of being sneered at and 12: 2992: for example 'Lambda') call for including their rights in it, namely they want to 13: 3251: typical only for human nature, including the power of touching. They are not abl 14: 3348: ough to cover their full costs including lodging and food. This would be necessa 15: 3805: is to create a new curriculum including the minimum of obligatory courses and p 16: 3829: what American propaganda says, including the President of the United States hims 17: 4395: eans of learning for everyone, including students, teachers or people keen on so 18: 4712: y conclude that each invention including press, radio and television is valuable 19: 4805: ion. Scientific breakthroughs, including the invention of a printing press, tele 20: 5153: eractions with others. People, including children, respond emotionally to TV con 21: 5341: Many post communist countries, including Poland, have a high rate of unemploymen 22: 5391: ations with our all neighbours including Russia itself which definitely opposes 23: 5401: art levels. Foreign settlement including the rights for land purchase may endang 24: 5555: languages into considerations including Japanese, Chinese, Hindu or Swahili and 25: 6926: ) is needed almost everywhere, including multinational corporations as well as h 26: 6943: ration for the entire society, including the needy. On no account can such facto 27: 7012: e. There are plenty of things, including those mentioned above, which can and sh 28: 7551: arket sells all kinds of goods including buttons and ground coffee.Furthermore, 29: 7973: y in the space and everything, including human body, is floating. I think that e 30: 8112: s many kinds of entertainment, including restaurants, theatres and galleries. Ho 31: 8288: OL-SUS-0021.5>A lot of people, including me, once desired to get the driving lic

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 31 matches (31 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.39

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:30:49)