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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 6763 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2049.39

No : Line : Concordance 1: 6: ed the help of our imagination is school. Every young person realizes that this 2: 6: or lack of homework. And what is more important, our inventive efforts have to 3: 8: something like this: "My child is in the hospital and I cannot come to work" or 4: 8: childless bachelor - the boss is so struck by the employee's tragedy that s/he 5: 10: n our part. And here, our task is probably the hardest since no matter how vehem 6: 10: know us best. Consequently, it is the quality of our brainchildren that matters 7: 14: ormidable might the human mind is naturally endowed with. As long as humans inte 8: 22: et, the other side of the coin is that there are people who are privileged, whos 9: 24: the modern real-life world. It is not difficult, though, to verify the truthfuln 10: 24: to exercise these rights. This is how the idea of equality is realized./^t/There 11: 28: rest of the society./^t/There is still another aspect of inequality. Not only a 12: 28: same privileges. Certainly, it is difficult for the disabled to get good educati 13: 30: ism of lesbians. Another thing is that probably every society has its elites and 14: 30: nce said, "democratic equality is the most efficacious instrument of spiritual s 15: 36: and imprisoned. However, there is little hope that those criminals will be stack 16: 50: f thinking, though attractive, is completely wrong. The biggest crime that a soc 17: 52: erefore the society in general is to be blamed for what had happened. Now we mus 18: 54: severe and quick manner. This is crucial for any society in order to function p 19: 54: f his products knowing that he is o monopolist? Will any horse pull a cart witho 20: 56: t the modern system of prisons is by no means outdated. As a matter of fact, it 21: 56: unglasses? After all, the idea is that they are supposed to endure hardships. On 22: 56: rarely mentioned, although it is quite important and should not go without reco 23: 58: view have in common is that it is not feasible to put them into practice. It wou 24: 64: ctor Hugo's words: "How sad it is to think that nature is calling out but humani 25: 64: are not true nowadays. Nature is certainly calling out but human race is no lon 26: 8484: us is perfect and that to err is human./^t/It is very difficult to forgive. And 27: 8496: ody who proposes such a change is calling for inconsistency and on-the-fence att 28: 8500: The only role they can perform is being a nun, which means blowing out candles a 29: 8502: of his or her pupils. The same is the case with church authorities when they try 30: 8510: ental aspects of a human being is his ability to believe. If not for believing w 31: 8510: then we must assume that faith is the testimony of our humanity./^t/The enigma o 32: 8516: ife with the meaning. His work is the object of his faith for work is his motiva 33: 8516: self-fulfilment./^t/Happiness is the utmost yearning of a human soul. Yet, it i 34: 8518: our existence./^t/Human being is not only the combination of chemical or neural 35: 8518: comfort, prestige, etc. Faith is the symbol of our humanity. It is faith not in 36: 8524: argue that in modern art there is no place for painting and that this means of e 37: 8528: rming that the art of painting is almost dead comes from the observations of the 38: 8544: ses from addiction to stimulas is dependence, the compulsion to use the drug des 39: 8554: m the attack. If the aggressor is armed too, his immediate reaction is pulling o 40: 8554: ed too, his immediate reaction is pulling out her/his own gun and using it, alth 41: 8556: ontrary./^t/Third, a gun which is not carefully guarded and properly stored can 42: 8558: protection for its owner; what is more, it can bring more peril than a gun-owner 43: 8558: r storage and careful guarding is important in order to keep the gun out of reac 44: 8564: ion of nature's impact on life is sun-oriented. We all know that the sun makes l 45: 8566: the moon on the water on earth is clear and scientifically proved. It can raise 46: 8566: by 15 metres. We know that man is composed in 75-80% of water. Therefore, there 47: 8566: 80% of water. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that functionin 48: 8566: kes our appetite greater (that is why the full-moon is not the best time to star 49: 8576: the United States this subject is openly and freely debated, Polish authorities 50: 8576: h other in the fact that there is no national curriculum for the course of sexua

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 6763 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2049.39

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:29:56)