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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 708 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 214.55

No : Line : Concordance 1: 8: s mentioned above are just the most basic and worn-out excuses that would never 2: 24: ell, yes. The constitutions of most civilized countries secure for their citizen 3: 30: d, "democratic equality is the most efficacious instrument of spiritual selectio 4: 50: ts criminals but rather do its most to rehabilitate them. Unfortunately, this wa 5: 82: ntinue their education and the most prestigious way to do it is to enter a unive 6: 88: a particular profession is in most of the cases more important than the marks h 7: 96: r from being really equal. The most influential factors that make people unequal 8: 102: is money. In fact this is the most powerful factor which can overcome race and 9: 126: g the right punishment for the most serious crimes. There are cases in which the 10: 144: ndition the fact that even the most basic needs of man can be fulfilled only whe 11: 160: a female individual who finds most difficulties in being viewed as equal and tr 12: 172: gination belongs to one of the most important of our features we cannot deprive 13: 180: lems. Uta Ranke-Heinemann, the most famous woman in the field of Catholic theolo 14: 190: ood social position, which, in most cases, are the keys to success. The poorer p 15: 192: ss equal'. They rarely get the most prestigious jobs, and even if they do, they 16: 202: his fear of abusing censorship most Western countries have drawn the line at com 17: 232: manage to graduate. One of the most arduous female problems is the fact of havin 18: 248: to multiply. To be perfect was most important, even if you have to die for it, o 19: 292: Before passing entrance exams most students had hoped that after three or five 20: 324: hly correlated with pollution. Most often, however, we do not appreciate the dan 21: 330: run, they turn against us. In most cases, the benefits that technology offers u 22: 356: orter of Radio "S" showed that most opponents of the film had not seen it at all 23: 374: e their breathing system, and, most of all, to provide them entertainment and sa 24: 398: is love, not money that is the most important thing in life. They also stress th 25: 400: the argument that love is the most important it can be said, however bitter it 26: 6461: s tempting to suggest that the most and perhaps the most conuincing argument aga 27: 6590: ing is the main and one of the most important factors contributing to the fact t 28: 6788: example of it is the fact that most of us prefer watching films to reading books 29: 6926: are generally the best and the most versatile who are given a chance./^t/Apart f 30: 7820: n disagreement with the truth. Most of them have male or female lovers, illegal 31: 7993: only way to cope with it. The most common inscription on the grey walls of the 32: 8073: crucial mass media. It reaches most of people in the world and is probably the m 33: 8097: chool, pretending they are the most powerful creatures. Those cases at school ar 34: 8107: 11.5>It is unquestionable that most people in developed countries are city-dwell 35: 8116: specially in the centre, where most people work Even if there are made plans of 36: 8134: plex of Global Village, as the most significant objection aiming at the cultural 37: 8357: what is the most important, in most cases it would be better for children themse 38: 8367: d most frequently, made by the most famous and popular producers, and it is true 39: 8406: out in the manner meant to be most helpful for the learner to engage his learni 40: 8439: lly, present distorted images. Most Poles perceive America from only one angle - 41: 8439: olish movies cannot be sent to most Film Festivals.Polish movie market is strong 42: 8468: om the first group. Obviously, most animals use the verbal channel, thus it is n 43: 8470: ng a dialog is also typical of most animals, birds respond to requests addressed 44: 8504: mbers, turning itself into the most sexist organisation the world has ever known 45: 8510: -POL-POZ-0007.6>/^t/One of the most fundamental aspects of a human being is his 46: 8514: whole human race. Probably the most trustworthy manifestation of faith is love. 47: 8532: reover, painting is one of the most ancient ways in which humans could express t 48: 8540: p of specialists. That is why, most of them subject themselves to a long-lasting 49: 8570: moon can not be denied./^t/In most ancient cultures the sun was the most import 50: 8576: and Polish school systems. The most important discrepancy between the two system

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 708 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 214.55

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:25:03)