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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 45 matches (45 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.64

No : Line : Concordance 1: 761: a report in the journal of the National Cancer Institute in the US, non-smoking 2: 1123: pointing out some data. As the national surveys announce women still earn only 7 3: 1230: hey cite mainly: the loss of a national consciousness, more and more competitive 4: 1260: s also a lot to be done on the national level. In the first place, each country 5: 1260: . It is also essential, on the national level, to make young people aware of the 6: 1577: lems ought to be vital part of national awarness. These are individuals who crea 7: 1764: we would find that one of the national symbols of Poland is an emblem of an eag 8: 1768: 's past, providing a symbol of national cohesion, there is no doubt that for the 9: 1768: have actually lost a unifying national symbol and a vital historical link, the 10: 3199: of Polish literature, full of national Polish elements, young people have nothi 11: 3201: y can gather and protect their national heritage (as the history shows), but whe 12: 3201: nue, Polish society may face a national disaster. 13: 3265: ot to allow smoking become the national habbit. After moths of fierce debates, t 14: 3271: that smoking really presents a national problem. Will the Parliament decision, p 15: 3745: to literature, music and their national heritage./^t/In the field of literature, 16: 3751: Europeans excell Americans is national heritage. History has provided Europeans 17: 3839: sion-sets with the chip if the national policy requires it, but they don't belie 18: 3853: d, and they come back to their national cuisines or programmes, or, hopefully, c 19: 3855: constitute competition for the national ones?, ask the opponents. In fact, this 20: 4135: independence and the essential national sovereignty./^t/Considering the advantag 21: 4155: enace to Poland its tradition, national religion, culture. But, on the other han 22: 4157: painstaking effort to achieve national dreams about prosperity, military and so 23: 4293: o notes and coins will replace national currencies over a six-month period. The 24: 4339: cy - as a replacement of their national currencies. It is to stabilize the econo 25: 4387: is going on around us; we read national newspapers and learn about our country's 26: 4437: and about cultural events both national and international and they are the found 27: 4465: medium. Moreover, almost each national broadcasting corporation is merely a too 28: 4532: uropean Union does not respect national traditions and social practices. They sa 29: 4692: tries highly invigorated their national economies./^t/Besides non-verbal communi 30: 4698: r even transplanted into other national cultures. The reckless way of dressing, 31: 4876: c blindly believes in whatever national television says and is immune to any cri 32: 4982: ndardised without any sense of national character. 33: 5345: t should lose its autonomy and national identity. European Union is, first of al 34: 5345: no means deprive them of their national identities - it neither intends nor was 35: 5391: ill consolidate the feeling of national safety, protect the Polish sovereignty r 36: 5395: overnment document called "The National Integration Strategy" which are to be ve 37: 5395: at the Polish habits, culture, national customs not only positive but also negat 38: 5397: tion./^t/Reconstruction of the national consciousness, the adjustment to the coo 39: 5401: ility for a great and profound national education to make the Polish society con 40: 5547: process we will not loose our national individuality. 41: 5676: very good for the state of the national economy. Small family enterprises absorb 42: 7239: istricts of industrial cities. National moods came some time later and it involv 43: 8146: ls will not be able to promote national movies.Books are another vehicle which t 44: 8576: r in the fact that there is no national curriculum for the course of sexual educ 45: 8580: provide the students with the national curriculum for the course. In Poland, fo

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 45 matches (45 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.64

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:22:13)