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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 1881 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 570.00

No : Line : Concordance 1: 14: industrialization wreaks havoc on the formidable might the human mind is natural 2: 26: re members of elites, superior on account of their power, talent, and privileges 3: 30: astes. Perhaps we should agree on highly hierarchical societies existing under t 4: 36: for good behavior and will set on the evil quest again. By no means does the out 5: 38: d the money will be squandered on this purposeless effort. It is doubtful that t 6: 54: mit a crime again. The former, on the other hand, presumes that if the general p 7: 54: n, on the other hand, is based on a naive presumption that those who are already 8: 58: have chanced to put their foot on that land would have already been rehabilitate 9: 68: r without such a ticket placed on a windshield is towed away or immobilized so t 10: 84: tically leads to concentrating on a very narrow segment of knowledge. This in tu 11: 88: s firm are the ability to work on a computer and to use a fax-machine (not to me 12: 112: e belief that abilities depend on race and that some races are superior to other 13: 114: h each other, white men depend on force. It seems that the status quo is preserv 14: 126: ims. Some time ago he appeared on TV to give an interview in which he presented 15: 130: e a very destructive influence on others. Besides, the money that would be spent 16: 144: itself. The common lack of it, on the one hand, and demoralizing power of its ex 17: 150: it be, than, so powerful that, on the one hand, it may help to achieve ultimate 18: 156: human being prides him/herself on open-mindedness, liberty of thought and tolera 19: 174: ersial personages. Their views on life, people or God have been argued about, an 20: 180: swers to them. Her issues lies on the verge of theology, philosophy and first of 21: 192: en in Poland, for example, are on average better educated than men, they have mo 22: 208: n of love and sex./^t/Violence on TV and in the movies also should be subject to 23: 216: at that has the gradual effect on all of us, it diminishes our ability to think 24: 218: ention of a printing press had on the culture of the Middle Ages. He predicted t 25: 218: ch of a screen - on the beach, on a plane, or as a help to prepare people for sl 26: 7690: iacs with an obsession who spy on their victims and torment them with endless ph 27: 7951: everywhere. We see commercials on TV, hear them on the radio, see advertisements 28: 8124: y to uni-cultural integration. On the other hand however, the idea of race mixin 29: 8146: (because they are not promoted on a great scale) and are low-budget productions 30: 8168: ntal ones, posters peeling off on the bus stops, streetcars painted in awful col 31: 8262: eem to be happier that is why, on the whole, they are more peaceful and friendly 32: 8351: ./^t/Moreover, in negotiations on abortion incest and mental damages of foetus w 33: 8423: hment has a decisive influence on the area of arts, both in temples and gallerie 34: 8439: e, where everyone smiles lying on the California beach and drinking Coca Cola. S 35: 8452: unjustifiable financial burden on American taxpayers./^t/The rule is sexist for 36: 8464: er by means of their language. On the contrary, those who opt for the theory of 37: 8470: of the groups they belong to. On this basis scientists can establish, for examp 38: 8472: meaningless phonemes, whereas on the upper level phonemes are assigned some mea 39: 8482: our thoughts that are focused on the past unpleasant events. We just foment the 40: 8498: pyres with cattle being burned on them. No reverend would require his parishione 41: 8502: y./^t/The catholicism operates on bizarre dogmas that cannot be accounted for by 42: 8504: s ago I would have been burned on the pyre. Now I can safely criticize what I wa 43: 8530: st one more photo in a book or on the wall./^t/To conclude, I would risk a state 44: 8542: indicated when the user relies on a drug to produce a feeling of weel-being. Thi 45: 8544: re attention should be focused on the possibilities of how to help these people. 46: 8552: s of posessing a gun can bring on its owner a lot of danger. It comes from the f 47: 8564: out it there would be too cold on earth for any life to exist. The sun gives us 48: 8566: ers./^t/The moon affects water on earth, which does not leave human body untouch 49: 8566: uence of the moon on the water on earth is clear and scientifically proved. It c 50: 8566: ommitted during the full-moon. On the other hand, we are said to have more chanc

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 1881 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 570.00

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:41:03)