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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 46 matches (46 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.94

No : Line : Concordance 1: 206: tricted to some extent. Nobody ought to be exposed, and in this way forced to se 2: 210: be protected by it. Societies ought to be able to foresee the consequences of u 3: 374: nd satisfaction. Fitness never ought to be the ultimate goal in itself, but a fa 4: 809: housand murders." Human beings ought to see themselves as being bound together i 5: 809: e is a denial of that bond. We ought to be able to say with John Donne: "And man 6: 1033: ous ones. Only the former ones ought to be transplanted into Polish social and p 7: 1577: ./^t/The enviromental problems ought to be vital part of national awarness. Thes 8: 1580: e has.The enviromental problem ought to be introduced as a complex program and k 9: 1690: y./^t/First of all, moderation ought to be exercised as we put too much emphasis 10: 1697: be welcome and some variation ought to be introduced into our cuisine. Revision 11: 2113: their disgusting, tricky lies ought to be condemned. Humans are expected not to 12: 2115: uences of their actions. Liars ought to be expected to pay for their moral "crim 13: 2185: ruth. On the other hand, liars ought to be aware of the fact that sooner or late 14: 2473: ry nature of religious systems ought to be emphasized. Religions provide many pe 15: 2529: cts that potential gay parents ought to take into consideration, is that no matt 16: 2541: spects that future gay parents ought to consider, are other people, their feelin 17: 2826: d be prevented. The government ought to take measures against the spread of the 18: 2830: in cities, towns and villages ought to describe the symptoms of the disease, gi 19: 2830: respected in their communities ought to organize meetings to talk about the epid 20: 2832: ptions and special commissions ought to check if and how they are enforced. Mode 21: 2862: ven with mild signs of illness ought to be assessed by doctors and in case they 22: 2864: l flights, trains, and coaches ought to be ceased. In fact, this is not always f 23: 2951: ntending to prevent a society, ought to make sure that in case of an epidemic th 24: 2957: ations. Thus, every government ought to help and appreciate the efforts of scien 25: 3008: o their country. Of course, it ought to be done carefully and in a tactfull way 26: 3010: hygiene collapses, cleanliness ought to be another thing demanded of the citizen 27: 3014: ntry (even before the epidemy) ought to be thoroughly examined and assessed by d 28: 3018: then, tightened. Both borders ought to be closed and remain under continuous su 29: 3030: racting the disease. They also ought to be made aware of all the possible source 30: 3030: ts with contaminated countries ought to be reduced to the absolute minimum. If a 31: 3030: and a person trying to defy it ought to be liable to a fine.Establishing health 32: 3033: y vaccinations of all citizens ought to be introduced as a last resort. They wou 33: 3035: her than curing bubonic plague ought to be the aim of every country. However, it 34: 3069: he crackdown on violence. They ought to instill into young people the social nor 35: 3941: should never be abolished. It ought to exist and help to keep our world free fr 36: 4333: gree in one - that our country ought to join the European Union./^t/Joining the 37: 4880: manipulative work of media. We ought to beware what is being instilled into us. 38: 5616: s and cycle schemes. They also ought to think about new investments and faciliti 39: 5773: ld not be banned. The research ought to be continued, according to them. But the 40: 6735: d the whole educational sector ought to be maintained and who should pay for edu 41: 6743: citizens, pupils and students ought to have equal chances of getting primary, s 42: 7167: -ups. That is why the children ought to be informed about such phenomena as drug 43: 7792: ment of all its members and we ought to follow it. Law is surely to protect all 44: 7794: ching the problem literally it ought to be like that but it is never so in life. 45: 8334: vertisements. Appropriate laws ought to regulate the range and the tricks o fcom 46: 8484: rget about grief and anger. We ought to try to look at this person from a distan

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 46 matches (46 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 13.94

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:25:22)