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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 41 matches (41 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 12.42

No : Line : Concordance 1: 56: llowed to visit their families outside a prison for a few days. What more should 2: 292: ly, if at all, relevant to the outside world. Before passing entrance exams most 3: 294: uum for which nothing from the outside world is of any interest and hardly anyth 4: 294: are totally isolated from the outside world, scholars focus on some abstract di 5: 302: r all, total negligence of the outside world may result in an inability to cope 6: 819: joy the pleasures unattainable outside the city./^t/Another argument put forward 7: 1306: various interactions with the outside world. For example, a student of English 8: 1306: ion in various contexts of the outside world./^t/First of all, intelligence is t 9: 1308: ive numerous messages from the outside world. For example, a student of English 10: 1625: rom school as well as from the outside world. Films, plays, books, masterpieces 11: 1719: oesn't go to church, they stay outside and are a kind of observers. When bishops 12: 2321: d in the people and not in the outside world. He once said: "The stars in the sk 13: 2371: p, dusting, hoovering, etc, or outside like: gardening or washing a car. This is 14: 2533: ss and the shutting out of the outside word./^t/To a small child, adopted by gay 15: 2535: ld (by his observations of the outside world), may lead himself to believe that 16: 2680: shunning them and keeping them outside social relations./^t/Moral and ethical is 17: 2846: ily life to what (s)he can see outside home, on TV or in families of friends. It 18: 3739: ot of features that place them outside if not above the animal world. They are a 19: 4026: y shaped forms stand in parks, outside buildings and shops. They may look strang 20: 4067: e do not lose contact with the outside world. Using the lap-top we can easily pr 21: 4151: e continent just cannot remain outside the European system of trade, finance and 22: 4303: s like trapped and cut off the outside world. In the past such an access to the 23: 4445: nformed and connected with the outside world. We can take advantage, and listeni 24: 4842: reliable? How do they show the outside world and problems of humanity of the end 25: 5115: tablishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the wor 26: 5223: e interest in seeing the world outside on their own, being satisfied with the vi 27: 5225: ource of information about the outside world. It increases their interest in the 28: 5720: formed directly on the psyche, outside the control of the consciousness. People 29: 5843: ent, we would have hobbies, go outside to theatres, cinemas, restaurants and spo 30: 5934: it is a murder if the baby is outside the womb. Taking all the pros and cons in 31: 6077: here is no need to go shopping outside in big department stores because you can 32: 6148: ess accessible for people from outside the city. It may be a reason why these pe 33: 6239: cause of easy contact with the outside world. Fast means of travelling on the on 34: 6379: Another good reason for living outside a big town or city is financial. The pric 35: 6693: ery coin has two sides. Living outside the centre involves long-distance commuti 36: 6898: gs.Some people claim that life outside the city centre is a lost one, while othe 37: 6902: ment and leisure opportunities outside the city, and that there are also fewer s 38: 7247: y need to look for acceptation outside their homes? I do not think so. Although, 39: 7258: dare not let our children play outside for fear of an overdose of gaseous pollut 40: 7539: d megalopolis: people queueing outside post offices and benefit offices, beggars 41: 7888: also certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly, there are fewer people

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 41 matches (41 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 12.42

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:37:56)