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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 36 matches (36 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 10.91

No : Line : Concordance 1: 64: ore aware of the importance of protection of nature than people living a hundred 2: 174: l harmony. Humour is to be the protection against deep distress. By means of pai 3: 412: ken by different groups in the protection of various species. One of the main re 4: 412: gressive nature of some animal protection groups. Demonstrations, pickets, break 5: 414: e opponents of militant animal protection groups say that such illegal acts as t 6: 414: sed public knowledge about the protection of animals. Normally, any laboratory t 7: 416: litant animal rightists in the protection of a different species. Some people be 8: 416: to become more involved in the protection of animals./^t/While the traditional c 9: 418: al campaigning methods for the protection of animals have been in use for over a 10: 420: could ever do./^t/Although the protection of animals by forceful actions is thre 11: 474: ocial communication but to the protection against predators. Nocturnal insects, 12: 552: high morale and guarantee good protection to our country./^t/All problems mentio 13: 743: . Special boxing gloves are no protection in such cases. Lack of balance, proble 14: 789: ace, economy and environmental protection would be to the benefit of all. Howeve 15: 1123: as long as full timers to earn protection from unfair dismissal and have far few 16: 1248: n penal system is not only the protection of society but also the reclamation of 17: 1488: f infants, teaching about AIDS protection and so forth. That leads to slow degen 18: 1580: eady been proved. Enviromental protection education should be introduced into ed 19: 1588: t/In this light our input into protection of enviroment seems to be only a matte 20: 1596: e body. Hair served as natural protection against weather; it helped to keep the 21: 1596: left unchanged - an additional protection for the brain (apart from the skull an 22: 1828: pouses together ensuring their protection under the law. Thus, although it is us 23: 1828: me countries. It affords women protection under the law as their husbands, even 24: 2059: aving the citizens without any protection from wandering wild animals. It is pur 25: 2439: also to demand more security, protection and efficacy from the police and gover 26: 2447: ing deaths - applying carefull protection rather than fighting the effects. 27: 2645: r that contributes to lying is protection in order to avoid behaving despicably 28: 2937: ay couples when lack of social protection can make their financial situation ver 29: 3879: understood as God's favour and protection which means it is something holy we ha 30: 4147: pean Community, the support in protection our national, Polish industry and to f 31: 4530: level of employment and social protection will be ensured. As a result a standar 32: 7059: s impact is one of the ways of protection from it. If on top of this we apply ju 33: 7768: irst seems to give freedom and protection later leaves just loneliness. There is 34: 8108: with the sense of freedom and protection from people's inquisitiveness. But the 35: 8554: cause more danger than create protection for its owner. It happens so in a situ 36: 8558: es not always act as a mean of protection for its owner; what is more, it can br

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 36 matches (36 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 10.91

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:39:40)