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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 30 matches (30 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.09

No : Line : Concordance 1: 22: e equal duties. Yet, the other side of the coin is that there are people who are 2: 190: dy, is more likely to take the side of a well dressed and educated person than t 3: 228: onsibilities and duties on the side of a woman, who is now expected not only to 4: 326: out spiritual and intellectual side of our existence./^t/Last, but not least, te 5: 897: to know the other, more murky side of potent drugs that step by step wreck the 6: 923: etter solution./^t/This is one side of this important problem. The other is equa 7: 1041: young people with a practical side of erotic affection. Primarily, it aims at p 8: 1484: f better quality./^t/The other side of reduction of taxes, which most people do 9: 1804: prepared for every bad or good side of life hoping that this good one will preva 10: 2198: "his head rolled on the other side of the pavement" we can say "his body was in 11: 2317: ertheless there is yet another side of this story. Virtually all the people are 12: 2680: fferent opinion./^t/The social side of the problem is another reason why gay cou 13: 2971: r are no longer shown only one side of the world, they are shown many sides of l 14: 3129: ver, there is the more serious side of the same problem. There exist places that 15: 4147: of authentic support from the side of the European Community, the support in pr 16: 4210: and declension is also a good side of learning this language./^t/Of course ther 17: 4257: and mass media emulates darker side of our nature employing pictures of violence 18: 4518: g them to approach it from the side of its grammar. Frequently we can hear that 19: 4891: owever, there exists the other side of that matter, although it is difficult to 20: 5267: re ignorant. The materialistic side of life fulfils their days determining his o 21: 5269: ven if we put off the economic side of life. And it is true, we would probably a 22: 5381: ss media's image and financial side of the business. Their main task is to decoy 23: 6114: also have to look on the other side of this problem - The world would be dull an 24: 6343: alcohol never shows the other side of their products - bad effects on health, d 25: 6824: of the neighbors of the other side of the hedge, being aware of the fact that t 26: 6944: suggest looking at the darker side of the story. In this day and age people are 27: 7233: and not enough interest on the side of the parents, there are other reasons why 28: 7558: is always greener on the other side of the river"? Personally, I think I would ' 29: 7973: n or on Mars./^t/The emotional side of space travels is important as well. Durin 30: 8300: omething should be done on the side of the Department of Transport to reduce tha

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 30 matches (30 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 9.09

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:22:26)