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Search string: style of life (case-insensitive, PERL regular expression)

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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 6 matches (6 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 1.82

No : Line : Concordance 1: 5193: f the millenium as well as the style of life varies considerably from the ones i 2: 5319: h people will not accept a new style of life presented on TV, as they perceive i 3: 6527: keep up with the Joneses". The style of life presented in most of the commercial 4: 7558: nowhere. I like changes in my style of life and adopting to completely new circ 5: 7684: ame and wealth. Let's take the style of life of these people. They earn a lot of 6: 7864: lligion, habits, aims, dreams, style of life etc. All these things give us the f

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 6 matches (6 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 1.82

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:36:00)