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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 21 matches (21 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.36

No : Line : Concordance 1: 400: nd travelling a lot add a good taste to a relationship and provide a couple with 2: 442: rder to suppress the smell and taste of cigarettes in my nostrils and mouth. The 3: 656: iced. They will never know the taste of self-realization in love. They will neve 4: 3127: ve". Everybody has a different taste and this is true of music, too. The questio 5: 3569: life. Wise men say one should taste every moment in time, appreciating both ups 6: 3981: eautiful piece of art. Buy me, taste me, listen to me". True art lives forever. 7: 3989: nt as a silent guard of a good taste or a trashy product for the general public. 8: 4041: TV is kitsch. They are in poor taste and they simply cheapen the quality of life 9: 4243: ds. It means that the public's taste influences the structure and form of them. 10: 4576: , help us acquire a precocious taste for sex, drugs and excitement. They glorify 11: 5755: ves the way McDonald's burgers taste but at the same time admits that she only a 12: 6253: ertisements are often in a bad taste and very primitive. There is no creativity 13: 7093: t good quality of things, good taste but we are disappointed just after first bi 14: 7097: market. We can hear that they taste like butter almost in each commercial which 15: 7293: , apart from money, education, taste and manners. In our country, however, peopl 16: 7302: example of our "middle class" taste is the new housing estate that is just bein 17: 8192: ments is that they are in poor taste and consequently cheapen the quality of lif 18: 8192: fact that one thing is in good taste and the other in bad taste. Who should esta 19: 8306: tizing is meant to shape their taste and even their behaviour in certain situati 20: 8369: ated with a big amount of good taste and ingenuity. Unfortunately, these are sti 21: 8532: reminds us that the exquisite taste of past generations is less and less valid

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 21 matches (21 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 6.36

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:22:16)