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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 10 matches (10 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 3.03

No : Line : Concordance 1: 178: audience. By making films, he tells stories about various levels of life. Accor 2: 791: the home. Again, stereotyping tells men that they are breadwinners; their role 3: 1826: n to stay together 'till death tells us apart' involves taking up serious obliga 4: 2135: e just impossible. If somebody tells that he or she never tells lies, he or she 5: 2135: ody tells that he or she never tells lies, he or she is just lying. People who l 6: 2244: sible to know whether a person tells the truth or a lie creates a constant sense 7: 2515: a situation when every person tells the truth. It would lead to more misunderst 8: 2515: lie that probably every person tells many times during their lifetimes. This kin 9: 3543: ator. The narrator-protagonist tells his readers that <*>, and he is not entirel 10: 6335: does as it is advertising that tells us about useful new products. And here are

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 10 matches (10 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 3.03

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:36:02)