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Search string: up-to-date (case-insensitive, PERL regular expression)

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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 7 matches (7 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2.12

No : Line : Concordance 1: 2913: , thus, a very significant and up-to-date issue. Roots of that situation are ver 2: 3977: ll drink from now on, what the up-to-date housewife needs for her kitchen and ba 3: 4059: hildren have changed nowadays. Up-to-date parents do not beat their children for 4: 4188: they present, that we are not up-to-date having unfashionable clothes and hairc 5: 4568: radio and read papers. To keep up-to-date in fashion you should wear the jeans a 6: 6339: e adverts of a new Barbie set, up-to-date model cars, computer games, etc. What 7: 7378: on it brings. Viewers are kept up-to-date twenty four hours a day. Millions of i

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 7 matches (7 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 2.12

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:21:27)