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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Found 198 matches (50 printed). Sorted by order of appearance (case-insensitive).
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 60.00

No : Line : Concordance 1: 8: ut excuses that would never be used by a truly creative individual./^t/Ironicall 2: 30: g evil or uncommon. People got used to politicians breaking the law, to the rich 3: 116: l./^t/Racist beliefs have been used to justify genocide, chronic poverty and the 4: 278: a split second. With computers used in every field of life, we are in fact on th 5: 342: ive room for cattle, which are used by food chains as meat for hamburgers. The c 6: 466: hemical communication which is used by animals in water and in air. The distribu 7: 618: biological process the masses used to be utterly addicted to religion as it had 8: 636: history, societies have always used some sort of currency. First it was the prod 9: 699: omers and mathematicians. They used their knowledge to support or override ruler 10: 879: ves become as mundane and they used to be in their native country. Thus, they go 11: 924: important.If a human foetus is used in medical experiments it is treated as an i 12: 951: unt entirely on themselves. We used to have special employment agencies for them 13: 975: ll the novelties may be safely used by the consumers. On the other hand, a great 14: 1065: at is the forms that are to be used while addressing people we know well, our su 15: 1164: l power exposed on television, used to cause pain or damage to people./^t/The fi 16: 1326: The fabric, Fortel Ecospun, is used for producing rests, jackets or blankets. Th 17: 1364: medicine as drugs which can be used for treatment. On the contrary, people who t 18: 1377: e civilised pleasures, that we used to enjoy, belong to the past. The evenings s 19: 1470: n transporting goods. They are used for transporting different things from one c 20: 1542: any toxic chemical substances, used frequently they cause great disorder in the 21: 1546: re something new that could be used in their art - new visions and images to be 22: 1598: to confirm. The same method is used in medicine. The general health condition of 23: 1621: from birth untill death we are used to live among others. At one time we need pe 24: 1692: grendient of soups and sauces, used as a thickener, and other flour dishes like: 25: 1860: ith such children shouldn't be used any longer. 26: 1944: In the past people frequently used the products of civilization in such ways th 27: 2497: minorities. This situation is used by those minorities to fight for their right 28: 4809: "affect" which has been often used in variety of programmes and essays devotedl 29: 5036: t that too many programmes are used to mislead and manipulate them./^t/The suppo 30: 5474: "second world's country" as it used to be a few years ago./^t/The first and unqu 31: 5843: elevision./^t/Some time ago we used to enjoy various kinds of entertainment, we 32: 6275: and in the garden, that can be used in many different ways. What is more, you ha 33: 6529: ontroversial symbol very often used in commercial is sex. Soap, shower gel, perf 34: 7191: chnology of cloning from being used to manipulate politics? There always would b 35: 7205: an.Jay Gatsby, as a young man, used to go out with a rich girl but he could not 36: 7326: his own new world, the methods used to do it is a separate question./^t/The char 37: 7338: If we think of the way people used to live only a few centuries ago, it is hard 38: 7346: rom one another than they ever used to be. The worst of all is that the nature w 39: 7430: he real world./^t/Games can be used at any stage of the learning process from co 40: 7533: s of conquering nature and has used whatever the planet can provide for its own 41: 7706: ple less religious. People get used to thinking that priests are less sinful tha 42: 7716: ny people to be soft drugs and used just for fun. In this situation the question 43: 7760: ers and smuggling. It could be used to promote the good sides of marijuana as op 44: 7814: this obrious statement can be used in relation to nuns and priest as well. They 45: 7858: nt kinds of stupefacients were used in relligious practices mainly by priests. A 46: 8160: /^t/Brainwashing is a commonly used procedure when by being constantly assaulted 47: 8526: hnical inventions, people have used practically everything to paint. The pieces 48: 8526: ink, poster colours - were all used to paint, all with an unlimited range of tin 49: 8552: they carry a gun which can be used in a situation of life-threat as a kind of p 50: 8554: d. This is why a gun should be used only in a life-threat, rape-threat situation

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000) end of search.

Found 198 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.
Number of matches per 100,000 words: 60.00

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (13:35:02)