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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 235 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
1803Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferraduate from high schools and apply for universities. Some of them pass 0 entrapply to
2634Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferng the shock we experience on arriving at the foreign country: an Eskimo coming to Nigeria arriving in
3672Dependent prepositions of nounsonstitutes 0 stable basis of all modern societies all over the world./^t/Anothbasis for
4522Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfersituation. No goods should be brought in or out the diseased country, as there is brought in or out of
5354Countable vs uncountableiseases. Many patients fought a cancer just because they hoped they could live. Besides,cancer
6519Countable vs uncountabled along with their cargoes .Then, all the tourists who lately cargo
7153Noun complementation have also the chance of making new acquaintances. They usually take part in a grchance to make
8773Noun complementation in many conflicts. The great chance of allowing talents chance to
9231Dependent prepositions of nouns in Poland are the changes of the country's culture. Nowadays, violence is omnichanges in
10455Countable vs uncountable could not receive a child benefit . Also, they do not get a holidaychild benefit
11798Countable vs uncountablewine in your menu now without a danger of being rebuked by the experts on the side effecdanger
12754Dependent preposition of adjectivese argument that McDonald's is dangerous for 0 Polish market, are can sadangerous to
13464Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferifficult task./^t/In order to decide the methods of prevention, we should ask ourselvedecide on
14369Dependent prepositions of nounssymptoms of the disease, give details about the basic preventive methods and present interviedetails of
1544Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferen deceived, lying should be disapproved ./^t/People usually have the opportunity to punisdisapproved of
16449Verb complementationne that gays encourage to follow . In fact, our whole culture may change its encourage
1719Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfericult test of responsibility, ensures security to a relationship, legally protects the rights of spensures security in
18666Countable vs uncountableant euphories euphories . Searching for new stimuli, however, leads to aneuphoria
19467Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfer the most effective weapon in fighting against the plage .fighting
20264Dependent prepositions of nounsple to survive and to cherish hope of 0 better life. There are lies that can mhope for
21229Dependent prepositions of nounsee major causes of the recent increase of violence in Poland: poverty stemming from emincrease in
22474Dependent prepositions of nounscision by himself without any interference of the jury, make corruption inevitable. What interference from
23348Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfer it for reasons best known for themselves. Therefore, as I mentioned at the begiknown to
24602Countable vs uncountableosition./^t/Finally, there is one more clear evidence that women are in 0 inferior position tmore clear evidence
25333Countable vs uncountableke positive feelings in their offsprings and through emotions get closer to them. If used offspring
26181Dependent prepositions of nounsa phase of total negation and opposition towards his parents. What about the child adopted by gaysopposition to
27124Dependent preposition of adjectivesing an embarrassing situation other way handling an embarrassing situation but telling a fib . It is easier and much mother way of handling an embarrassing situation than by
28425Countable vs uncountable much interested in paintings or sculptures . The fact that painting
29856Noun complementation clients have the possibility to buy things of higher quality and cheaper prices. The possibility of buying
30691Dependent prepositions of nounse become a prey prey for various health organizaions prey to
31691Countable vs uncountable /^t/Smokers have become a prey prey for various health orgprey
32271Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferoles have a long tradition of priding themselves in being tolerant, the truth is quite the opposite: priding themselves on
33845Countable vs uncountable introducing a device of such a questionable value . Especially, if it was just an electoral manquestionable value
34262Verb complementationway paid for. Although people realize of fibs in ads 0 nobody considers them to brealize
3534Dependent prepositions of nounsos, one should search for the reasons of such 0 dramatical reasons behind
36770Dependent prepositions of nouns>/^t/Some children are a real relief for their parents. They sleep a lot, smile in betweenrelief to
37837Verb complementationnd what is wrong. They cannot substitute it with a computer chip. In the long run it will not do areplace it with
38553Verb complementationd expensive and the decision requires considering the matter very carefully . The couple has to have its relationship legalizrequires careful consideration of the matter
39355Noun complementations and doctors do not have the right of putting putting themselves in the position of right to make
40359Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferd earlier, we often let a lie rule over our lives. A white lie does not make us younger, rule
41770Countable vs uncountablesleep a lot, smile in between sleepings sleepings , play alone for hours sleeps
42333Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferective and well substitute substitute corporal punishment./^tsubstitute for
4353Countable vs uncountable like to commit a suicide to prevent themselves from suffering./^t/If theresuicide
44499Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transferas eclipsed its real meaning. Taking advantage on the mess around the new Polishtaking advantage of
4555Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfery concern our privacy. We can tell the truth only our close friends and family, namely people whom tell the truth only to
46807Misused prepositional verbs due to L1 transfere them , on training practical English or doing research in literaturetraining in
47545Dependent prepositions of nouns more and more unconventional units of society that claim their rights to units in
48813Countable vs uncountableeorganisation in departments' works and stuff and stuff would work
49625Adjective complementationship of the performers. It is worth to note that most of virtuoso's worth noting
50647Dependent preposition of adjectiveso that is extremely worth of memorising for anyone worth

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Thu, 13 Mar 2025 (03:26:40)