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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 990 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
1807Semantic misuse of a single word) studies can be even roughly presented. Moreover, two semesters of history andadequately
2201Semantic misuse of a single word any generalization blackens the problem, is really a subject to condemnation.aggravates
3371Phraseological errored to help in transportation, alongside with bus drivers and taxi-cab drivers. Secondly, rich alongside
4152Single-word logical connectives recesses , furthermore , studying native cultures and customs.By travellas well as
5856Semantic misuse of a single wordts and services is maintained on a high level, or even improves, just because the at
6134Semantic misuse of a single word, the equipment became easily accessible . It is not only the equipment 0 but alsoavailable
7467Phraseological error biologists can feel delighted to discover so many interesting viruses and bacteriabe delighted to
8663Phraseological errorlack of breathe lack of breathe , compression in the throat, shaking of limbbreathlessness
9386Phraseological errorities fought for their rights by whatever means . Since we are more civilized and slaughter is a by all means available
1095Phraseological errores may come handy 0 are not always pernicious. There arcome in handy
11491Semantic misuse of a single wordmerely incompatible with the existing laws of science. Further , the conventional
12856Semantic misuse of a single word is highly profitable for the client . Because of the competition, the customer
13553Semantic misuse of a single wordpeople adopting children will devote devote themselves to treat dedicate
14856Semantic misuse of a single word competition for the national ones?, ask the opponents. In fact, this competitidomestic
15333Semantic misuse of a single wordrrection can be effective and well substitute substituteasily
16822Semantic misuse of a single wordsoak up all what is coming is coming from the screen, emanates
17850Semantic misuse of a single word that different foreign firms come to their markets, calling the process 'cultural impeenter
1870Coordinating conjunctionat everybody has a good time. Even so sailors' stories are not one hundred percent trueEven though
19281Semantic misuse of a single wordver will live on as a legend to today's and tomorrow's youth, for he has shown thfor
20304Phraseological errore and one should not treat it only one-sided as something completely bad or immoral./^t/A goodfrom only one side
2167Semantic misuse of a single word as it definitely brings more profit than harm./^t/There are lies that are considered good
22369Semantic misuse of a single word secured secured herself or himself from the disease./^t/To ensurehas safeguarded
23612Semantic misuse of a single wordse choice should pub managers follow ; their own or their customers'? What ifheed
24564Multi-word logical connectivesiction that they were secure. On the contrary , in democratic Poland violence is a public issuein contrast
256Phraseological errorhe most precious, especially, in case of marriage and family, which comes to one's min the case of
26199Semantic misuse of a single wordlans and even after some time at a certain post, 0 half of their promin
27491Semantic misuse of a single word) unreal but just unsuitable to but they seem to be rather not unreal but jusincompatible with
28807Phrase misused due to L1 false-friende, psychology and philosophy. Nothing strange, thus, that this knowledge turns out to be fragmentary. It is thus to be expected
29646Semantic misuse of a single wordan emphasis on substantial breakfasts, dinners, and suppers. For many of thelarge
30264Multi-word logical connectiveshould be condemned 0 as well as not all of them should be accepted. Similarly to Likewise
31564Semantic misuse of a single wordve lost their jobs, which has deteriorated their social status to a considerable degree. In lowered
32858Semantic misuse of a single word/Generally speaking, the much protested against process of 'cultural expansion', especially of Wemaligned
33741Phraseological errorared after by the group members . The sect can offer e.g. food, clothesmembers of the group
34796Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendking contributes to your good psychic condition in a way that it increases mental health
35491Single-word logical connectivesonventional laws of science. Further , the most intriguing for people item Moreover
36189Phraseological erroricult psychological problems, let alone a serious breakdown./^t/Furthermore, a child raisnot to mention
37421Phraseological errors that do not appeal to them. One of such ideas is the concept of modern art. It seems that, althOne such idea
38449Semantic misuse of a single worddards because of the model of the libertine that gays encourage to follow permissiveness
39427Semantic misuse of a single wordic funding and has become the supported style in Britain.Furthermore, the art of the 20thpredominant
40221Semantic misuse of a single word 0 Lenient system of persecuting criminals , short sentences cannot be prosecuting
4138Phraseological error a great care should be dealt with a great care . The present situation, not only in Poland requires great care
42725Semantic misuse of a single wordng of authorities, shifting 0 values, shaking revising
4357Single-word false friend just impossible. If somebody tells that he or she never tells lies, he or she is jussays
44672Semantic misuse of a single wordto establish 0 warm, firm relationship. Some of us claim that the idea of mstable
45177Semantic misuse of a single wordsuicidal thoughts / attempts ./^t/Yet another reason for the careful consideratendencies
46549Subordinating conjunctionays be 0 suspicion 0 the gays adopt children for some secret purpose./that
47531Phraseological error bubonic plague has not been a danger to some countries. Nevertheless, those threatened
48341Semantic misuse of a single word use drugs would probably be real only if it was based on the information given by true
4935Phraseological error shaped by television, radio, video-films , newspapers and magazines. No one can deny that tvideos
50136Single-word false friende fact that they seek illegal possibilities of getting money to survive and support their famways

Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000) end of search.

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (11:29:44)