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Search error: semantic misuses of single words (incl. collocates, independent prepositions)

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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 567 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
1437Semantic misuse of a single worduent and they have started to follow the western lifestyle. Simultaneously, the adopt
2421Semantic misuse of a single word ideas have been accepted and used by people but there are still some new ideas thatadopted
3176Semantic misuse of a single word predjudice and repugnance repugnance towards gayantipathy
4536Semantic misuse of a single wordbject to strict health checks on the border. Should any symptoms of 0 bat
5192Semantic misuse of a single wordt of the above , they should not undergo the all 0 painfube spared
6280Semantic misuse of a single wordstated to them that marijuana did harm to their bodies and in their (caused
7135Semantic misuse of a single wordnt. The police is not able to fight with criminals, who possess the newest technicalcombat
8850Semantic misuse of a single wordtoday's world we cannot avoid contacting different cultures or values they represent - it coming into contact with
9612Semantic misuse of a single words leads up to an often raised argument: "It is a free choice; if one doecommonly
10672Semantic misuse of a single wordis fully understood. Marriage makes 0 stable basis of allconstitutes
11491Semantic misuse of a single wordmerely incompatible with the existing laws of science. Further , the conventional
12272Semantic misuse of a single wordnts would lack the model of a real family, and often also the model of his/her own sconventional
13287Semantic misuse of a single wordives. Many former churchgoers switch to other religions or become the atheistconvert
14856Single-word false friendthe competition, the clients have the possibility to buy customers
15798Semantic misuse of a single wordinking your recommended daily amount of alcohol: a sound heart, cancer-resistant cellsdose
16333Semantic misuse of a single wordrrection can be effective and well substitute substituteasily
17773Semantic misuse of a single word chance of allowing talents to bloom is wasted irrevocencourage
18512Semantic misuse of a single wordan adopt to any circumstances and are ready to attack again: stronger and unknoenvironment
19634Semantic misuse of a single wordbe different from our own. We imagine what it looks like, what the people are like, andenvisage
2027Semantic misuse of a single wordy, is to provide each citizen representing the country , where the illness appearedfrom
21820Semantic misuse of a single wordthat interests us is on, thus quitting otherwise pleasureable activitgiving up
22820Single-word false friendt but rather swallow our food in order to rush to the living-room, sitgulp
23634Semantic misuse of a single word - psychologically. We envisage that the country of our destination is going to bimagine
24811Semantic misuse of a single worde other topics on the English department curriculum should be optioin
25134Semantic misuse of a single wordhat contribute to the general rate of violence./^t/The rate is also being supported incidence
26271Semantic misuse of a single word are still perceived as being worse or abnormal, especially those who manifest their inferior
27202Semantic misuse of a single wordject to condemnation.One more instant of lying which 0 interesting and therefinstance
28672Semantic misuse of a single word common bank account, ensure their belongings or claim some type of benefit. Tinsure
29732Semantic misuse of a single wordes the magic to continue and increase . The size of the silhouttes sintensify
30824Semantic misuse of a single wordacity for serious thought is endangered - that is the price the human intellect payjeopardized
31134Semantic misuse of a single wordtivities of the international mob , that contribute to the general ramafia
32501Semantic misuse of a single wordnt take up more sophisticated attempts 0 as sado-masochistic or methods
3377Semantic misuse of a single wordg some diseases from which AIDS is the most perilous. Besides, such caof
34199Semantic misuse of a single wordifferent when politicians lie purposefully to get a post and try to hide their additional soon purpose
35809Semantic misuse of a single word since a person's mind is overt . Not everyone of the hundred stopen
36325Single-word false friendt bar or disco. Encouraged by the lecture of the lecture of Burroughs' "Naked Lunch"reading
37346Semantic misuse of a single worda case is to forget about the reality . An escape, though only momentary, is what drugsreal world
38520Semantic misuse of a single word .Then, all the tourists who lately lately visited the precently
39333Semantic misuse of a single word) substitute substitute corporal punishment./^t/Another way replace
40666Semantic misuse of a single word . Wise men say one should taste every moment in time, appreciating both 0 savor
41730Semantic misuse of a single wordtates the way we experience a show . Finally, feelings induced in us during showing
42317Semantic misuse of a single word should direct its attention only to this plague : how to stosolely
43608Semantic misuse of a single wordy other imaginable disturbing voice . They intrude everywhere and cause stress and nersound
44820Semantic misuse of a single word . We speed in our cars in order to get home on time if anythspeed around
45305Semantic misuse of a single wordation when a doctor lies to a fatally ill patient about the person's health conditerminally
46250Semantic misuse of a single wordg is making making a career. People in 0 high position liketo forge
47439Semantic misuse of a single word thus, a very significant and up-to-date issue. 0 Roots of that topical
48158Semantic misuse of a single wordselves to injuries or even to unexpected death in the line of fire./^t/What is also importuntimely
49577Semantic misuse of a single wordtional problems of some kind. Relying on drugs, in their opinion, brings them relief, pleaUsing
50153Semantic misuse of a single word and film stars and having a chequered social life./^t/Foreign correspondents havaried

Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000) end of search.

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (11:23:08)