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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 325 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
1313Spellingthird , sometimes even up to 1/2 , of the population died when a plague appeaa half
2135Spelling the criminals are not affraid of being caught and continue its afraid
3773Spellingrstood children often become agressive and get involved in many conflicts. The great aggressive
4414Spellingle mother, as only a woman is bilogically programmed to have a baby and to take care of it biologically
5261Spelling a breakup of a marriage. In such a case it is better to break-up
6663Spelling euphory , lack of breathe lack of breathe , compressibreath
7117Spellingof political etiquette may be cause , as it is in Poland's case, by years of the Commucaused
8315Spellingment should organize "medical centers " to separate infected people. In centres
9645Spellingy often have a high level of choresterol a high level of choresterol in the blood cholesterol
10146Spelling decide to parents. They will chose whether to talk, to show, or to smack. But it muschoose
11503Spellingthat lots of crimes have been commited by homosexuals. Considering the number of gays {fcommitted
12783Spelling0 as such 0 they constitiute a considerable factor that influences dreams. Altconstitute
13531Spelling) 0 Bubonic plague is a contageous , 0 usually fatal disease which was ocontagious
14624Spelling"artificial" - so, is there a contradixion ? No./^t/Another important advantage of machine mucontradiction
15313Spelling /^t/Plague can be definied as an attack of disease causing death and spreadidefined
16577Spellingoblems. This, of course, is a falacious a falacious delusion ./^t/Nowafallacious
17755Spellingks or bars, which is often of for worse a quality for worse afar
18581Spelling , loss of health or physical fittness , stress , 0 death of a relafitness
1918Spellingtenance guarenteed by the law. Besides, since in the future a child guaranteed
20505Spellingprawling ground of hipocrysy . They proclaim to ridicule heterosexuahypocrisy
21625Spellingl perform his music and their interpration . He has total control of his creation, just as a interpretation
22145Spellinging a parent demands a lot of involvment , sacrifice, patience, and most of all, hard workinvolvement
23608Spellinge ears. Especially dangerous as the fact , that a person does not realisis
24731Spellingpeople whom we like and whose judgements we take into account . The preparatijudgments
25223Spelling human life, and who kill and mime on impulse without any intelligible motive. Unformaim
26416Spellingod parents, but because their martial status is not generally accepted and consequentlymarital
27218Spellings optimistic is the fact that occurences of crime among kids under 18 are becoming more froccurrences
28179Spellingto have a family. He/she will of cause see the difference between his/her own family andof course
29822Spellinge unknown to them./^t/Another offence offence of television is far more offense
30686Spellinger number. Tradition makes us organise huge festivals in honor of 0 new year,organize
31463Spellingt of the plage epidemic , which had been recoplague
32465Spelling of the bubonic plage , we can see that the disease is spread by the plague
33465Spellinguccessful weapon against the plage ./^t/ What to do, how to react plague
34663Morphological errorgn , that the famous Platonian halves of 0 soul have met; perhaps unnPlatonic
35820Spellinguitting otherwise pleasureable activities. We do not eat but rather pleasurable
36176Spelling i.e Poland} , predjudice and repugnance repugnanceprejudice
37325Spellingple of the 80's were far more rationale in their commitment to drugs. They replaced the hrational
3898Spellingose hopes of recuperating are receeding , that he/she has all the chances receding
39279Spellingooking for quicker and easier routs to India and China 0 they discovered newroutes
404Spellingesent the opinion that modern societes do not need marriage 0 which is perceivesocieties
41467Spellings and bacteria but a sociaty should press its health authorities to be more society
42491Morphological L1 transferascinated, such as telepathy, spiritism , astrology, prophecies and 0 others.spiritualism
43621Spellingnd performed with the use of synth. or even c. is v. oftesynthesiser
44608Spellingas been surrounded by sounds; the are 0 crucial part of his natural envirothey
4563Spellingeprimanded. The The , he or she hopes to be let off. A bad mark at scThus
46589Spelling as Catholics or Protestants. Tollerance should not be excluded from the principles on whiTolerance
47710Spelling with the way things are done traditonally . They try to change the way people do things, onltraditionally
48423Spellingrt in terms of simplicity and usefullness . Therefore, they seem to disregard things that (usefulness
49621Spellingor even c. is v. often seen as soulles & very
5036Spellingeas. 'Exotic' trends from the west do influence various aspects of a socWest

Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000) end of search.

Found 325 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.

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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 (01:36:19)