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Search error: phraseological errors (incl. idioms and phrasal verbs)

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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 344 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
1229Phraseological errorinequalities in employment , violence-saturated culture violence-saturated culture a culture saturated in violence
2645Phraseological error cholesterol level, which is their inborn trait . In such cases, a greasy diet or alcoholic abusea hereditary condition
3645Phraseological error choresterol a high level of choresterol in the blood , which is their inborn trait a high cholesterol level
4423Phraseological errore it at once, after the first glance , without trying to understand the meanings hiddeat first glance
5480Phraseological errorthe borders being open , and all the same an easy access to foreign cuat the same time
6167Phraseological error sometimes lying means simply not telling the truth. When one has an extremely unpleasant mavoiding
746Phraseological errorf liars. People should always be aware of lying and should always treat it as something beware
8182Phraseological error disapproval, which will also stress the child , later on./^t/Whether it is fair or notcause the child stress
96Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendf marriage and family, which comes to one's mind right after it , where two people decide comes to mind
10588Phraseological error omnipresent and nobody could help it . The only law that resisted the indoctrination wdo anything about it
11261Phraseological error can be even be even tantamount to a breakup of a marriageven result in
1298Phraseological error , that he/she has all the chances in the world to stave off all the chances every chance
13445Phraseological error model of 0 family model of family ./^t/In my opinion, the state which givefamily model
14811Phraseological errormplete just few basic courses compulsory to a particular department (foundation courses
15116Phraseological errorlorified as the only means of doing away with enemies, of annihilating views and arguments diffgetting rid of
16345Phrase misused due to L1 false-friend may not be able to afford to go on holidays , change their environment or anything else in thgo on holiday
17761Phraseological error to literature, music and their national heritage ./^t/In the field of literature, Europeans have hhistory
1852Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendere to tell that changes for better are impossible in the nearest fimprovements
19367Phraseological errorm the rest of the world. Yet, in case of an inland country, such as Polandin the case of
20263Phraseological errorhe right to keep some secrets inside of him. Saying that one is O.K. 0 even if iinside
218Phraseological error 0 but their nature and interior features have not changed at all. Despite their professioninternal characteristics / mindset
22262Phraseological error rare come as true very rare come as . In fact, everything that is for free must be in is very rarely true
23323Phraseological error) muchrooms which in great measure , which in great measure, consistedlargely
24612Phraseological error support this stance./^t/This leads up to an often raised argument: "It leads
2595Phraseological errortruth in the assumption that stretching the truth lies may come handy 0 lies of exaggeration
26232Phraseological erroran proper way of living , or those who have already committed crimes lifestyle
27568Phrase misused due to L1 false-friende as the only possible way to get some means for living ./^t/Further, the mass media bear the blame for make a living
28807Phraseological errory, literature and culture are treated somehow marginally in Anglistica Posnaenesia . Dmarginalised
2957Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendnot be condemned because they do it out of their good will . We should not deplore lying that is benign and mean well
30796Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendking contributes to your good psychic condition in a way that it increases mental health
31773Phraseological error often 0$ badly treated, not understood often badly treated, not understood childmisunderstood
32491Phraseological errorded with all the answers they want to have . There are many unexplainable phenomena exneed
3324Phraseological errorre is a danger of 0 epidemic outbreak the preventive procedures musoutbreak of epidemic
34412Phraseological errorpervasively influence a child in the course of the years , and it is widespreadly rejected aover a course of years
35487Phraseological errorlong for something that would cut them off for a while from from their jobs, technology and business creprovide relief from
36747Phraseological error through giving notice of their practice to 0 mass media and law authpublicizing their practices in
37233Phraseological errorxists a lot of hope that the violence rate can be lessened by creating new job places rate of violence
3853Phrase misused due to L1 false-friend patients that they will soon get back to 0 health. Never should they recover
39515Phraseological errorthe illness. In this way, the unwell ones would, immediately, undergo check-upssick
40491Phrase misused due to L1 false-friendthough human civilization is developed on such a high level , people are not provided with all the answers thso highly developed
4124Phraseological error order not to let the disease spread out and to protect other people from other countries spread
42118Phraseological errors or at least do not let it increase .stop it increasing
43807Phraseological error) show the teaching talent . Much more students 0 talent for teaching
44809Phraseological errorpics. The best way to achieve such a situation is to create a new curriculum including the this
45531Phraseological error bubonic plague has not been a danger to some countries. Nevertheless, those threatened
46807Phraseological errormester of American literature three semesters of English literature course and one semester of American literature neither of these very wide fields ofthree semesters of English literature and one semester of American literature
47553Phraseological error) money-consuming time and money-consuming and the decision requires considering the time consuming and expensive
48345Phraseological erroror a while 0 without much of an effort much of an effort . The temptattoo much of an effort
49465Phraseological errorory problems, people's bodies become deep purple . There are also other infections such as choleraturn a deep purple
5034Phraseological error /^t/ A man A man of the twentieth century has been facing various social and political tranTwentieth century man

Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000) end of search.

Found 344 matches (50 printed) in all (sub)corpora searched.

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Mon, 25 Nov 2024 (03:00:33)