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Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000)

Found 640 matches (50 printed). Sorted by correction (case-insensitive).

NoLineType of errorTextCorrection
197Articlewe all want our friends to be the paradigms of success? Because the first impressio0
2117Articlet for power and resort to all the possible means to gain it. They do not hesitate b0
3247Articlee more interesting. But often the opinions appear that fo0
4269Article adopt children. And suddenly the public opinion is acquainted with the fact that g0
5270Articleon. Would it be fair? Most of the society seems to be of a different opinion 0
6282Articleple are aware of the power of the drugs and they should be free, as their hero0
7437Articlethe one hand there is, thus, the access to drugs and weapon ,0
8472Articleused to give to the citizens. 0 Opening of Polish borders 0
9583Articleg it is even harder to accept the reality.0
10652Articlebeyond calculation. Each year the unrestrained use of alcohol is making 0
11666Article provide us by the nature as well as to the impairment of the nervou0
12717Articles. Such drastic phenomena are the indicators of a decline in 0 sensitivi0
13841Articleant". They are going to equip the television-sets with the chip if the national pol0
14852Articledy accuses India of attacking the British values or eating traditions. Conversely, 0
15856Articleabout the fact that the foreign firms constitute competition for the0
1636Articley not even realize how easily 0 mind can be affected by new ideas. 'Exotic' trenda
1779Articleing truant from school. Such 0 situation of prolonged stress can evoke many negaa
18127Articleion in people around. Life in 0 world where it is impossible to know whether a pea
19169Articletzis . Of course, such 0 phenomenon applies also to the situationa
20189Articleal and spiritual development. 0 Father should also take part in his child's upbriA
21189Articleto her for a long time. Then, 0 mother is responsible for her child's psychologica
22261Articleety} may rescue, for example, 0 marriage. Everybody knows that a man a
23334Articleeans. This method can prepare 0 child for real life requirements./^t/Finally, it'a
24590Articlereligion. The introduction of 0 religious element to the status of ZHP may a
25686Articlee only distinctive feature is 0 consequtively higher number.a
26278Articlerticipate to the ritual which has been performed for centuries a
27421Article/^t/The 20th century has been the time of continual progress taking place a
28445Article.g. the number of children in the family still varies according to social status, ra
29616Articlet to make it distinctive from 0 unnerving buzz, and to respect people's right to an
30764Articleeritage. History has provided 0 Europeans with a number of monumentEurope
3154Articleshe does it only not to worry the parents. Such a lying is harmless his or her
32355Article man as much as it belongs to the relatives. Truth, even the painful truth, is alwahis
33232Articlesome Poles, its authority and the role in giving directions for proper social its
3436Articleithout thinking forget about 0 values that might form a proper bthe
35156Articlereign correspondent is facing 0 ordinary difficulties in the
36341Article guess about 0 various reasons why it happens the
37480Articleinals realize , that 0 Polish legal system is inefficient and imperfect,the
38493Articley helps people to escape from 0 materialistic, industrialized world they have crethe
39533Articlenger of the spread of 0 bubonic plague. These issues are: awarenessthe
40540Articlepreventing rather than curing 0 bubonic plague ought to be the aim of every countthe
41566Articlence./^t/A huge discrepancy in 0 financial status of people in Poland has inevitabthe
42663Articlelatonian halves of 0 soul have met; perhaps unnecessarily for the the
43721Article a complete transformation of 0 food-industry and food-habits the
44754Article dangerous for 0 Polish market, are can say that healththe
45763Articlethe advantage of history over 0 Americans: the latter do not have the musical culthe
46796Articlegination and helping you make 0 right decisions. It is certain then that by cheerthe
47831Article /^t/ 0 V-chip is a new device invented in America to finThe
48308Articlearty when the only purpose of a lier is to attract 0 attenthe
49533Article if a country wants to escape a danger of escape a danger of the sprthe
50598Articlee world. They have been given a right to vote. They have succeeded in any job youthe

Error-tagged sample of PICLE (50,000) end of search.

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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 (11:34:36)