1. Introduction: pronunciation, EFL, CALL
2. Computer-assisted pronunciation teaching and learning
a) CALL didactic flexibility in terms of approach, method, technique
b) coverage: segmentals, suprasegmentals, fast speech, grapho-phonemics, accents
c) declarative vs. procedural, knowledge vs. skill, know-that/what vs. know how
d) L1 sensitivity, learner model, error anticipation
e) technology: text-based vs. multimedia
f) visual sound representation: transcription, acoustics (waveform/spectrogram), articulation
g) audio: speech input --> recording --> recognition (ASR) --> visual interaction (?)
3. 10 years ago: CALL without ASR - pop-english 3 for Windows pronunciation component
4. Today: CALL with ASR - a sample of pronunciation-aware EFL CALL programs:
Pronunciation Power
Better Accent
Connected Speech
Interactive Spoken Language Education (ISLE) Project
Tell Me More (Talk to Me)
Selected bibliography
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Asher,R.E. & J.M.Y.Simpson (eds). 1994. The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Edinburgh: Pergamon Press.
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Kaltenboek,G. 2001. "A multimedia approach to suprasegmentals: using a CD-ROM for English intonation teaching". In J.A.Maidment & E.Estebas-Vilaplana (eds). 2001. 19-22.
Keller,E. & B.Zellner-Keller. 2000. "Speech synthesis in language learning: challenges and opportunities". In P.Delcloque (ed.). 2000.
Keller,E. & B.Zellner-Keller. 2000. "New uses for speech synthesis". The Phonetician 81.35-40.
Lambacher,S.G. 1996. "Spectrograph analysis as a tool in developing L2 pronunciation skills". In M.Vaughan-Rees (ed.). 1996. 32-35.
Lecumberri,G., M.Cooke & J.A.Maidment. 2001. "Automatic feedback on phonemic transcription". In J.A.Maidment & E.Estebas-Vilaplana (eds). 2001. 15-18.
Maidment,J.A. & E.Estebas-Vilaplana (eds). 2001. Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference, April 5-7 2001, London. London: UCL Dept of Phonetics and Linguistics.
Nagy,T., P.Furkó & A.Tóth. 1998. "Computers and multimedia applications in teaching pronunciation". In L.Hunyadi et al. (eds). 1998.187.
Ottmann,T. & I.Tomek (eds). 1998. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 98. Chartlottesville,VA: AACE.
Pellegrino,F., C.Fressard & G.Puech. 2001. "Teaching phonetics with a multimodal internet site". In J.A.Maidment & E.Estebas-Vilaplana (eds). 2001. 31-34.
Pennington,M.C. 1999. "Computer-aided pronunciation pedagogy: promise, limitations, directions". CALL 12.5.427-40.
Rudnik,O. 1998. ASR in EFL CALL. IFA UAM MA thesis.
Vaughan-Rees,M. (ed.). 1996. Speak out: newsletter of the IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group (PronSIG). London: IATEFL.