Dzień sportu
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z raportem z Dnia Sportu!
Serdeczne podziękowania lecą do Hani Bereźnickiej za grę, Natalii Andrzejczak za kibicowanie i oczywiście do Roberta de Louw za nieustanne dbanie o to, by wszystko zawsze grało!
After a break of a few years, we decided to give our regular Sports Day event (i.e. students and teachers playing soccer) another try.
This time, however, it was a single match rather than our traditional mini tournament known as the WA Cup.
The match was played on Wednesday, May 11, at the SWFiS stadium (Morasko).
I’d like to thank:
· first and foremost, all the players (see below)
· the referee: Mateusz "Jaś" Klimek
· Radosław Dylewski for motivating me to carry on our tradition
· Tomasz Skirecki for providing the prizes
· Our Dean, Joanna Pawelczyk, for handing out the prizes
· Michał Marciniak from SWFiS, UAM, for allowing us to use the pitch
· Adrian Wykrota for the pictures
· Natalia Andrzejczak (3BA Dutch) and some other students (whose names I do not know - sorry) for cheering on the teams
The teams:
Students (white shirts)
Sardorbek Mamatkulov, 1BA ELTIT
Marcin Biesiada, 1 BA ELTIT
Jakub Ciesielski, 1MA
Eryk Paczyński, 1BA Engl.-Celt.
Kacper Kaczmarek, 3BA
Michał Bankiewicz, 3BA
Hanna Bereźnicka, 3BA Dutch
Stanisław Łuczak, 1BA Engl.-Chin.
Leon Staszak, 2BA
Teachers, incl. 2 students (black shirts)
Jacek Fabiszak
Rafał Jończyk
Paweł Scheffler
Kamil Malarski
Maciek Kielar
Tomasz Drewniak
Arkadiusz Molęda, 1BA
Kacper Grochowski, 1BA
Students vs. Teachers: 4 -4
Goals: Marcin Biesiada 3, Kacper Kaczmarek 1 – Maciej Kielar 3, Rafał Jończyk 1
Photos: Adrian Wykrota, Robert de Louw
Robert de Louw
(Department of Dutch and South African Studies)