Het nieuwe boek van dr Christopher Joby
Een lid van onze vakgroep Chris Joby heeft laatst een boek over het Nederlands in Japan uitgegeven - een recensie over zijn boek van Prof. Reinier Salverda (UCL) die net is verschenen in het tijdschrift Dutch Crossing is heel positief.
Salverda schrijft: "Great praise, then, for Joby’s wide ranging, solid and impressive new study – for its clarity of structure, its thoroughness of substance and apparatus, its innovative combination of disciplines and the depth of analysis this has made possible; for his exemplary grip on this complex subject matter, with its multitude of data, detail, sources, languages and speakers; for the force of his conclusions on the impact this contact with the Dutch has had on Japanese culture and society; and last but not least, for the quality of his many well-chosen and beautifully reproduced illustrations. Page after page, one encounters the same delightful scholarship, with which Joby sets a standard that will last long. His book is a major contribution to Japanese and Asian Studies, and will strongly appeal also to scholars in many other fields, such as Dutch studies, book history, translation studies, European expansion, colonial lexicography, multilingualism, and above all contact linguistics."
Hier een interview met Chris over zijn boek:
#HumanitiesMatter - New Books Network: The Dutch Language in Japan (1600-1900) (brill.com)